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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. Anyone else thinking Holcomb's night is over after going 4/4 and 81 yards? I think its time to let Nall screw around for the next half.
  2. Heeeeey, effective clock management! I remember you!
  3. Who's going to be the first person to start complaining on The Wall?
  4. Give the Lions' starters credit. They can REALLY tear apart our backup secondary
  5. Oh Coy Wire...its been oodles of fun having you on this squad my friend. Has really nothing to do with tonight's game, methinks he has overstayed with welcome by about two seasons.
  6. Yeah but did you SEE how nice those handoffs were? PERFECT! And good ol' A-Train. The Ultimate 3 yard back. Thats honestly not a bad thing, hell its good to have that pounder on this team...but still...kinda weird to see him get fed the ball 3 straight times.
  7. My favorite stat out of the opening drive? The fact it was a NINE minute opening drive. Me likey. Other team cant score if they never see the ball.
  8. Its crunch time...4th QTR people...I'm getting nervous here! 0-4 here we come!
  9. Our fake game is probably waaaaaay more exciting than the real game.
  10. Sounds like Nall is warming up on the sidelines, its time for our Offensive Megastar to come in during the 2nd half and win this epic game for us.
  11. I lost my radio feed...is it halftime yet? Whats the score? If the Bills dont win this one, I'm going to FREAK OUT.
  12. I'll tell you when the Lions offense gets off the field. Man, thats like 8/8 on 3rd downs for them.
  13. WOOT! Moorman really bailed us out after that three and out! That was amazing, MVP! 14-7 now! But man, we have got to find someway to stop Josh McCown. He's tearing us apart. The McCown to Furrey connection is KILLING us right now!
  14. Well he was a guard-eligible reverse option! Guess they must have found one of the pages from Mularkey's playbook. But here we go, we're only down two TDs and we got the ball again. This is it guys, I feel it. Big play right here!
  15. OH COME ON WILLIS...I blame that fumble on Chris Villarial. Its always his fault.
  16. I always imagined how that trade actually went down. Al Davis: "Okay, well we got Doug Jolley...I know you need a TE, so we'll float him to you for a sixth roun..." Jets GM: "FIRST ROUNDER! We'll give you a first rounder for your backup TE!" *Awkward Silence, followed by Al trying to contain a gitty squeal* Al Davis: "Kaaay...First rounder it is"
  17. Packers in the preseason = NFL elite measuring stick.
  18. A buddy of mine, Joe Lauzon is going to fight on UFC 63.
  19. So you're saying I could have suited up at QB and the Bills could have still won as many games with their Defense? QB played a part. Not as big as some other seasons, but the QB always has SOME role in how well the team does. Not turning this into a Flutie/Johnson debate by any means, but saying "Defense did it all" is just kind of goofy.
  20. Because its not "in-style" by E$PN to make fun of the Raiders, you dont hear too much about this...but IMO the Raiders will be picking in the top 3 of this year's draft. Their Defense is just horrible.
  21. The best part was that after we ditched Rob, I still found myself out of force of habit screaming "THROW THE F***ING BALL ROB!" at the TV when Bledsoe used to plant himself back in the pocket. I had been programmed to yell that sentence.
  22. Chuck Norris IS Willis McGahee in disguise. Its a good disguise.
  23. Willis' tears cure cancer. Too bad he never cries. Except when his baby's momma asks for money.
  24. I'm pretty sure that the Patriots will not only win, but absolutely destroy our boys. BUT... We do have something going for us, and thats nobody expects us to win. If the Bills get creamed, which they probably will, people will just shrug their shoulders and say "Buffalo traveling to New England in the first game of the season? What did you expect to happen?". That could work in the Bills' favor though. No pressure to win. They're expected to lose. I know for a fact that players HATE playing teams like that because the pressure is squarely on their shoulders. If the Bills lose...hey...thats what is supposed to happen. If the Patriots somehow lose though at home...whoo-boy, you'll see a lot of Pats fans running for the bridges in Boston.
  25. Kerry Collins has booze money again! Yay!
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