You act as if we can just simply turn on a switch and BOOM...Superbowl contender. Overnight. Listen, I hate watching this team lose as much as the next fan, but the whole "they wanted it more" argument is so cliched its not even funny.
Think of how many new people came to this team. New coaching staff. New Players. Rookies stepping up. Then look at the Patriots, overloaded with talented vets who have played a long time as a unit.
The Patriots won because they are the better team at this moment, thats all there is. BUT we gave them a run and almost came out of there with a huge victory, a team that is still starting to gel and who I was uber-impressed with.
Do we have things to correct? Sure we do, but calling this a choke while ALREADY calling this season a wash is just silly.
Funny thing is, next week if we win in Miami...all of this is forgotten, and its time to heap praises on the team.
But for now? Lets keep complaining.