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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. I'm with you on that one. I wont have anywhere near the rosey outlook on this squad if they dont take the lessons they learned today down to Miami. I want (and have a good feeling) we'll nab the win there.
  2. Now I know we've entered Bizzaro Land when even JSP is feeling confident after that game. But I completely agree, I saw a lot of good things from this team that I honestly didnt expect.
  3. So...what are you going to do about it? Kinda curious because we all seem to be talking big here, I wonder if by the sheer will of our complaining we can will our way to a victory next week. Cause that would be somethin'.
  4. Here's hoping. They both looked great today, the sooner we rotate them in as starters...the better.
  5. Ob...jec...tive? What is this word you speak of?
  6. *waves goodbye* Say hello to banned land.
  7. No reason to be a fan then, correct?
  8. Yep he sure does. Against the Titans. Dont get me wrong, good for him for rebounding from his crappy season in the opener...but the Titans secondary is probably the worst in the NFL (Maaaaybe the Niners).
  9. You act as if we can just simply turn on a switch and BOOM...Superbowl contender. Overnight. Listen, I hate watching this team lose as much as the next fan, but the whole "they wanted it more" argument is so cliched its not even funny. Think of how many new people came to this team. New coaching staff. New Players. Rookies stepping up. Then look at the Patriots, overloaded with talented vets who have played a long time as a unit. The Patriots won because they are the better team at this moment, thats all there is. BUT we gave them a run and almost came out of there with a huge victory, a team that is still starting to gel and who I was uber-impressed with. Do we have things to correct? Sure we do, but calling this a choke while ALREADY calling this season a wash is just silly. Funny thing is, next week if we win in Miami...all of this is forgotten, and its time to heap praises on the team. But for now? Lets keep complaining.
  10. NOBODY expects you to be content by losing. It sucks, plain and simple. But to completely ignore the positives is just insane, its like some are acting like we got blown out by 40 points here. This is why I have to take a break from this board, some people absolutely ruin the fun of being a Bills fan.
  11. Yeah because we were totally expected to win this game. And we were playing a crappy team. In Buffalo. And the ref's calls were completely unbiased. Some of you haters need to get off your friggin high horse. Was I hoping they could pull it off when they went up at the half? Sure I was. Am I acting like a spoiled 5 year old right now and completely ignoring all of the positives I saw, instead choosing to stomp my feet and complain? Nope. Bills showed a HELL of a lot more than anyone would have thought. Being the first real game, they looked like they were playing with a lot more heart and determination then I've seen in a long time. They are poised to get better NOW. Didnt happen this game, but you can bet your ass its going to happen thiss season. But hey, hate on if that validates you.
  12. Dont you know its a penalty to call a penalty on the Patriots?
  13. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
  14. Oy...well if you needed another sign the Patriots were going to roll over our beloved Bills, here you go.
  15. I dont have ESPN Insider, but if you just copied and pasted the article...the misspelled "McGahee" and "Jauron". Oodles of respect from E$PN when they cant even get our players and coaches' names correctly.
  16. I was at a Henry Rollins' Spoken Word show a few years back where he was talking about recording Has Been with Shatner. Said at one point they were sitting around the studio when they realized they needed a guitarist THAT night. So one of the producers got on the phone and called Robert Fripp (of King Crimson fame) and said: "Listen, I'm standing here with William Shatner, Ben Folds and Henry Rollins and they were wondering if you'd come in and work with them." And without any hesitation Fripp responded with a "I'll be RIGHT there." to complete the slapped together and utterly insane band.
  17. Stumbles backwards... "BACK! BACK! Send it back to hell!"
  18. Very nice, works for everyone involved. Ryan gets 3 years to get even better and get that even bigger contract (hopefully with us) and we dont have to worry about the guy in net for the next 3 seasons. Hope Carolina enjoyed gawking at their Cup, because its coming to Buffalo this season. We might as well just take it during the opener and store it at HSBC. You know, that way we dont have to move it.
  19. We were watching the game here in the apartment, and one of my roommates turned to me and said... "That was the LAMEST throw I've ever seen. You dont deserve a challenge Saban!" Plus I almost fell out of the chair laughing when they showed that angle where the ref's back was turned and Saban throwing the flag behind him. Something just very goofy about the angle mad me crack up.
  20. Like they need any motivation or extra effort to do that.
  21. Hey, we proved that your negativity with the Sabres worked GREAT during their season...you got to keep that going for our Bills. Its like reverse karma. The more Joe hates the team, the better they do. Hate away my brother, hate away.
  22. Tillman = Owned
  23. Or the botched flea-flicker they just attempted?
  24. Is it just me or does it seem REALLY likely that the Bills will pick up Wes Welker if he ever makes it to be a free agent? He just strikes me as a Bills special teamer/type-of-player stuck on the Dolfelons.
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