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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. No love for Friggin Lonnie?
  2. Any show with Bruce Campbell in it is okay in my books.
  3. Unfortunately, this is pretty common with them. I spent two years of my life working with Best Buy, and was the Services Manager for a good chunk of that time. EVERY time I had to call Dell on a customer's behalf, I knew I was going to be on the phone for at least an hour. I dont think I ever had a conversation with one of their reps that didnt end with them telling me "We at Dell appreciate the customer's concerns, but we cannot solve *fill in problem* at this time". Plus, this is the same company that called my Geek Squad once and told them to "delay" a customer until they could find their computer. FIND their computer. Awseome. I've actually had decent luck with Hewlett Packard and Sony over the years. If they screw up, they'll at least attempt to rectify the situation to some degree. They have to protect their margin, of course, but they wont give you the runaround like Dell will. And as for the lawsuit against Dell, this has got to be their third or fourth lawsuit over customer issues over the last two years. They've lost every one so far, so if you qualify...attach your wagon to that train and get some money back.
  4. We havent run a RB out of town for...god...two years now. Its about time we turn on Marshawn.
  5. Thats one more catch and Eleven more yards than I have in my NFL career.
  6. I've actually got a pretty good Kurt Warner story for y'all. So when Kurt was playing for the Giants, and when I was but a lowly college lad going to Siena in Upstate New York, a bunch of friends and I wanted to get together and go heckle Kurt Warner during training camp in Albany. No real reason to heckle, just figured the way the media blew Kurt Warner he deserved a good heckling. Anywho, we get together, pile in my 1990 Honda Accord (complete with faded Bills bumper stickers which held the car together nicely) and went on down to UAlbany's campus. We surge out of the car and run to the fence that runs along the field, all ready to yell at Kurt when he comes off the field. Finally...our moment comes. He's about a few feet in front of us and we get all charged up with some of the best Iowa Barnstormer lines you've ever heard when... ...he kneels in front of a group of handicapped children who came to the practice and asked them "Would you all mind if I sit and pray with you for awhile?" Needless to say, the walk back to the car was a walk of shame.
  7. Hey, if Jauron pulls off another 7-9 season...methinks he's in for a decade-long extension.
  8. I think the Bills have been cloning their below-average TEs for years now, starting with Jay Riemersma. But wait! Jay was good, BGiM! Ah yes, but you all forget the main points of cloning. Using Multiplicity rules, if we continue to clone the same thing over and over again it will become diluted, much like making a copy of a copy. So unfortunately in 2009, the Derek Fine clone is clearly inferior to its 1997 original. And before you ask, the cloning facility is located in the Field House. Or in the Sunoco station across the street.
  9. There are too many crappy white guys in this thread...
  10. I'd give up a 2nd rounder in a heartbeat for Gonzo. If all of the other clubs are throwing chump change around, its time for the Bills to throw down a big offer and land this guy.
  11. My roommate is the technical director at CBS 6 and confirmed to me tonight that their studio was SWAMPED with emails and calls demanding the Bills be aired. Pretty damn cool, he said it was the first time he had ever seen them go back on a decision to air an NFL game.
  12. Ahhhh good ol' Tuten "The Matador" Reyes. Ole!
  13. Via Chris Brown, from BB.com. Apparently he suffered an injury in yesterday's practice. Angelo Crowell is also absent from practice.
  14. Oh man, this Taco Bell just ran right through me. Scuse me guys while I go take a wicked Najeh.
  15. Monte's name always made it sound like he was moonlighting as a super villian. "Egads, chum! Its Monte Reagor, and he's up to no good!"
  16. Hopefully he's just starting to come around. I'll be honest, I thought the guy was a lock to be booted off this team a month ago.
  17. I've also got season tickets for the first time here. Section 331, so it looks like we'll be neighbors! Of course, MOVING to Orchard Park like I'm doing makes life a lot easier to get to those games
  18. I've already begun to lead a pseudo-mutated clan of vampires to feast upon the flesh of the surviving humans. Soon your blood will quench our parched, radioactive husks! Oh and I just finished Season 3 of Scrubs. Most excellent.
  19. Ohhhhh listen to HER!
  20. Oh man...thats the Best Buy they are transferring me to for their service manager position. When I land there in October, I'll make sure to demand that Marshawn inform me of any and all of his purchases. Oh yes, I am mad with retail power.
  21. Hey, dont forget Ant Man! Poor guy never gets any credit, he's a founding Avenger!
  22. Great video...but man, once I heard "Music City Miracle" I turned it off too. Still painful.
  23. Best "punny" headline I ever saw had to do when Michigan was looking for a new head football coach. The ESPN headline read: "Is Michigan searching for a Carr with Les Miles?" It made me groan and applaud at the same time.
  24. About 40 bucks for my Honda CR-V FORTY bucks on a frggin Honda.
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