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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. ...I thought Jeff Garcia played in Oakland these days. I keed! I keed!
  2. To be honest, its not losing out on Pisa "the individual" that gets me mad...its losing out on an "OLB" who is clearly an upgrade over Ellison. I couldnt care less which guy they bring in, just as long as they friggin bring in SOMEONE to compete.
  3. I feel uncomfortable letting our hopes rely on a guy recovering from an ACL injury, a failure with the Chiefs and a converted Safety.
  4. The video of the pass is now available on the front page of BB.com. Owens is a freak. Just had to be said.
  5. Tim, Now that Pisa has decided on Chicago, do the Bills have any desire to bring in another FA and compete with Ellison?
  6. Exactly. I wish I could see what they see, but from a spectator's point of view he's (at best) a non-factor or (at worst) a liability. P.S: Just noticed that my 10,000 post involved a Jamie Winborn reference. Didn't see that one coming!
  7. My only hope is that the Bills, having been rejected by another OLB, will actually go out and get Derrick Brooks. I know, he's not the same superstar he was in his prime, but he could add some leadership and identity to our Defense while mentoring the younger guys. Or they could just go out and sign Jamie Winborn (somewhat likely) Or they could just do nothing (most likely)
  8. And Keith Ellison...remains...our starter. That, my friends, is a big deal. I just cant understand how the Bills bring in THIS many OLBs and fail to sign a single one of them. Oh wait, I forgot about Pat "Megastar" Thomas.
  9. Hmmmmm...a nickname for a guy named Sanchez. Wait...give me a second... ...crap...I dont have a clue.
  10. I think its pretty obvious which way Pisa is going considering how long its taken since the "Bills or Bears" news broke. The Bills gave him a contract offer when he left. The Bears did not. Considering its taken him this long, methinks he's hammering out a contract with Chicago.
  11. Its okay, Trent's already got Josh Reed locked down over the middle for a 2 yard gain. On 3rd and 10...
  12. http://www.pastapadre.com/wordpress/wp-con...dden100528b.jpg One word friends...POISE! Sorry to get all Madden geeky on y'all, but thats a new pic from Madden 10. Also announced is the game is going to have co-op online play...so now I can control TO and all of his crazy antics while a friend in Indonesia can hold down the fort as Corey McIntyre.
  13. Now you have the Chroisen One inside of you... (aaaaaaaaaand this thread takes a turn for the worse)
  14. Fellow believers! Look at this grilled cheese sandwich I bought on Ebay with the Chroisen One's great visage upon on! Blessed be unto Him! May Hamdan be with you!
  15. With the latest news coming out of that Chicago blog posted on the main page, the only thing I can say is "...I got a bad feeling about this". Pisa will be a Bear. And no, I'm not being negative. Just taking all of the info I know and using my amazing "common sense" powers.
  16. Plus side, it looks like he left the field under his own power after TO fell on him. Always a good sign, regardless of where the injury is.
  17. Thankfully, we have 43 backup CBs on roster.
  18. Our Lord Hamdan...spoke? You must tell us His words, so that we mightest bring them to the unwashed masses!
  19. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...I screwed up on that one...I still let my "source" know about it, even a month after the draft Listen, I'd LOVE to see Pisa sign with us, dont get me wrong...but every sign I see seems to point in the opposite direction. Its hard to remain optimistic about him joining Buffalo, thats all I'm saying.
  20. The "best fit for his family" now looks like its New England. http://www.boston.com/sports/football/patr...samoa_visi.html Bills have failed at this one ladies and gents.
  21. I agree. If Pisa wanted to truly be a Bill, and the contact our front office offered was fair, he'd be at the OTAs already. Not going to happen, methinks.
  22. If this were a prize fight and facts were punches, someone would have to throw in the towel on afcfan. Kid is getting pummeled here.
  23. Pisa must be upset, his thread got hijacked by Fred Taylor.
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