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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. That was Byrd. Nelson has been there for the last two weeks.
  2. As much as I joke, thats probably what it is. Most players dont want that type of personal news to be broadcast if say, a relative passed on. Hope everything is okay with young Mr. Nelson.
  3. With our luck, he would have lost his passion to play football after two weeks with the team.
  4. He's not there again today either. Hates Buffalo. Wants a trade. Etc, etc
  5. Hates Buffalo. Hates everyone. Wants to be traded to New England.
  6. Exactly. I feel the roster is (unfortunately) set. The only way they bring in someone new is if someone goes down in training camp.
  7. Don't you think your request for another thread deserves another thread?
  8. But you said I...what with our histo...thats it, our relationship is now over, Tim. You charlatan! You montebank! You strumpet!
  9. Didn't LA have a new stadium proposal up for a vote? Seems like this is all playing perfectly for that buyer.
  10. Its kind of strange, but I've lived in all 3 places. I've been to the island of Malta for a work-study when I was 18. I then lived in Ballston Lake, which is near the town of Malta in Upstate New York. Now I currently reside in Orchard Park, NY while my girlfriend finishes up her forensics degree. I am well-traveled young lad. And ugh, thankfully i've never seen that bar...otherwise it would have lost a window. Whats weird is that Saratoga is a very Buffalo-sports-team friendly place...Peabodys is actually a Sabres bar during the season and The Stadium has some signed Bills gear on their walls. While I'm definitely digging the night life out here, I do miss summer nights drinking in Toga...cant beat it.
  11. I love how in 4 responses, pmr's entire thesis is blown to crap.
  12. Dont do any zoo animals I wouldn't do!
  13. You guys see this HILARIOUS Hitler/Terrell Owens video? Its rofltastic!
  14. He actually re-signed with the Colts. Would have been a good fit here.
  15. Sadly, that summarizes the entire Buffalo Bills history in a nutshell.
  16. I agree that Brooks would be a nice option, but I seem to remember him stating that he was "only going to play one more season", that being 2009. Now while I wouldnt be unhappy if we signed him as a 1 year stop gap, I'm beginning to think more and more we should look at Marcus Washington. He's got experience in the Cover 2 and a lot less tread on the tires. And while Washington's injury history is a concern, I think it might benefit him greatly and prolong his career if he only plays two downs with us.
  17. Always the bastion of truthful information! BB.com message boards are like a circus, I feel dirty even acknowledging they have one.
  18. The Bills got rid of Robert Royal?! Oh...wait...
  19. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/redskinsi...redskinsinsider Bills (hopefully) have at least inquired. No reason to get our hopes up though. Its Ellison or bust, baby!
  20. If we are pinning our hopes on a late round, torn-ACL recovering, essential rookie to fill in our OLB hole...we are in a lot of trouble.
  21. Someone has got to sell me on Nic Harris, and do it fast. The guy is a converted rookie Safety, I seriously doubt he's the answer to our OLB woes.
  22. Just a thought, what about Marcus Washington? I know he had an injury-filled 2008 season, but didnt he play a little Cover 2 with the Colts early in his career?
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