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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. Billistic does add a lot of spice to this board that we havent seen since the last ICE age.
  2. Whoa, hold up...you know as well as I do Jonas Jennings is a FA. He's our target.
  3. I would hope that "try to upgrade and get better" does not mean relying on Nic Harris or Alvin Bowen to take the job. If they truly want to upgrade, go out and sign Brooks, Washington or Bailey once the draft picks are signed and you have an idea on how much money you'll have going into 2009. Say if they sign Brooks, the starting LB corps would be Brooks, Poz and Mitchell with Harris, Bowen, DiGiorgio and Thomas as backups. Gives the young guys some time to grow under a veteran.
  4. Just making conversation. And even though our first round rookies dont miss MUCH training camp time, they do seem to routinely miss the first few days because of contract negotiations. Does it matter much in the long run? Nah, of course not. Just always amuses me.
  5. Yeeeeeeaaaaaah. You know these rookies should probably be signed by Saturday. Riiiiiigggghhhtt. Did you not get the memo? I'll make sure you get a copy of that memo. Seriously, we've always had a bad track record with making sure our rookies are in camp on time it seems.
  6. If we aren't going to sign Derrick Brooks or Marcus Washington, we sure as heck aren't going to spend the money on Levi Jones.
  7. Still boggles my mind how we can have these beautiful alternate jerseys and continue to use our clown uniforms. Whats more amazing is that even people with no team allegiance recognize this. How many times have broadcasters or news writers made a comment about how good-looking our throwbacks are?
  8. Geez, you aren't kidding. Granted, starting two rookies and shuffling around other players makes me worry, but it seems like every passing TD play poor Trent was running for his life. By the way, that Josh Reed TD catch was pretty funny...even he seemed surprised the ball was coming his way in the endzone.
  9. Just got a hold of it myself...reaaaaaaaaallly good game. You finally have some control as a DE when you try to rush the passer, the teambuilder mode is epic and the gameplay is top notch. If Madden 10 is as good as advertised, these two games will keep me busy for awhile. And before anyone jumps on me for being a complete couch potato, I still manage to stumble outside on the weekends. You gotta be careful of that sun though. She's a B word. My XBOX 360 never judges me. Not like that B word sun.
  10. Whatcha gonna do brothers when BGiOP runs wild on you!!!!!!! *poses uncomfortably for twenty minutes*
  11. I know its been discussed before with our "Banner Curse", but I'm still nominating Tom Brady for our banner.
  12. ...damn Frenchie. EDIT: I win.
  13. Marlon Brando wins!
  14. WHO'S THE MASTA!? You know they are remaking that movie.
  15. Not since Thursday At The Square started up again.
  16. Should be good Drizz, thanks for the work!
  17. Are you tellin' me that Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball either?
  18. Even if someone DOESN'T get hurt, he still should be the person we call.
  19. When I traveled out here to sign my lease, a co-worker who used to live in Amherst paid me 100 bucks to bring him back a cooler filled with Super Mighties.
  20. A buddy of mine actually landed a few tickets to the Steelers vs Titans season opener, so I'm lucky enough to be able to go to that game. I of course will be decked out in Bills gear, which will no doubt make me a curiosity amongst rabid Steelers fans. At best, I hope they view me as a Sasquatch sighting.
  21. On the plus side, that does mean an entire day of solid football action without having to worry how the Bills are doing/did.
  22. Good form sir, good form!
  23. I think this fact is what frustrates me the most. The Bills CLEARLY wanted to upgrade their OLB spot, even wanted to do so as late as a month ago when the whole Pisa thing went down. They brought in Jamie Winborn, Cato June, Freddy Keiaho, Mike Peterson, re-visited with Angelo Crowell and then Pisa Tinoisamoa during the offseason and signed none of them. Now maybe they offered them lowball contracts or no contracts at all...but the fact is they obviously weren't satisfied with their OLB corps. So why, all of a sudden, did we stop looking? It just drives me nuts to have a team that is looking to upgrade a huge weakness, has several potential additions just sitting there in free agency...and nothing comes of it.
  24. We most definitely should. Which means we wont. The Bills FO is shockingly set at LT and OLB when there are veteran upgrades available. What really gets me is the OLB spot. Derrick Brooks, Marcus Washington and Boss Bailey are all FAs and have experience in the Cover 2. Hell, Derrick Brooks practically IS the ultimate Cover 2 OLB. And yet we do nothing. Now I know that injuries and age come into question with these late free agency additions, but nobody can convince me that one of those guys on our roster (as long as they pass their physical) would be a bad thing during the season. Even as backup options or camp competition, these guys are worth a shot. But instead, we'll have an entire offseason to hear how amazing Nic Harris and Alvin Bowen are.
  25. Say what you will about TO, but he never pushed a cop on the hood of his car for a quarter mile. At least until the ratings on his TV show start to slip.
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