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Posts posted by TheBackupQB

  1. I love that Revis downplays Stevie 8 catch 75 yard 1td play against him... And all of sudden the jets were playing zone or revis was bored and wasn't expecting to thrown at that more .... Rex said 8 catches won't beat you ...and its true we lost but 6 of those 8 were linked to a score or first downs .... The best compliant revis,rex and the jets defense can give stevie is to continue to down play him

  2. our first opponent is a Division rival....


    We have a new defensive players and new defensive system. For pure Strategy purpose, I would NOT show the Jet anything they can prepare for defensively.


    Offensively, I feel the same way, why show a team what you are going to do?


    I enjoy preseason just to see the rookies, other than that its not an indicator of a teams worth

  3. Marcus Easley - most beloved Bill of all time with "unlimited potential" and the "biggest upside"


    If Easley makes the question/competion unfair due to his dominance, (and we are unable to pick ourselves) I will rock with Curt Henning...aka Mr. Perfect. Guy could throw and complete 75 yard passes to himself. (also endorsed by Steve Jordan)




    when i was a kid i actual thought he threw and caught that....


    Tim Tebow.... physically he can play every position .... (Someone go ahead and say it) accept for_______

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