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The Tomcat

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Everything posted by The Tomcat

  1. This is exactly how you miss the playoffs that many years. Always fighting for a wildcard against other weaker divisions. Until there is realignment, and the Patriots (Brady) are out of the division....NO SOUP FOR YOU!
  2. I know its a joke but this fits under the "fake news" to me. I bet Sal isn't too happy about it if you could ask him off the record.
  3. Found this to be very candid and interesting. http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=18406090
  4. I go both ways with Whaley. (not that way lol) A few points in no particular order I think that everyone knew there was no way Aaron Williams wasn't making it thru 16 games. Whaley not getting that position filled is a huge reason we gave up 200 yards on the ground multiple times this year. This is a huge checkmark in the bad column. Shady fell in his lap. They were sitting in Florida on the veranda when the call came in. Whaley didn't have anything to do with anything but saying ok. I don't put much stock in how many players are still on the team. The Pat's have more picks then anyone. They know its a crapshoot for the most part and cut bait all the time. EJ was not his pick in my opinion. He signed off it but Nix even said after the pick he was the one to point the finger at good or bad. I can't believe how horrible EJ looked yesterday. Almost like it was on purpose. I thought he'd be the perfect backup but I'm not in that camp anymore. He needs to go. Whaley is a GREAT pro personnel guy. He understands talent and how it translates to this team. When I was watching Shag this year, It seemed he was the perfect body type for 4-3 DE. With Ragland being a true inside backer I think this team is primed for a bounce back defense. Finally, If a big name coach comes in, don't they want BOTH the GM and Coach job like Belicheck? It puts a coach in a spot when he benches or punishes a player, they go to the GM and a division is created. By not getting rid of Whaley, it limits the attractiveness to the new coach. (don't know why Russ is still connected to this team either-another layer that should be elimiated. Just some random thoughts I've had about the situation. Flame on
  5. In what capacity did you work there?
  6. I could see a team trading for him....a 2nd would do it and Cleveland has 2 picks in the 1st and 2nd. Anything would be better then cutting him loose for free?
  7. I 2nd this motion
  8. What needs to happen is teams needs to start videotaping the stands so it can be replayed later. Figure out who threw the pink dildo on the field.
  9. He was supposed to play on obvious pass downs. With Ajayi Running wild there were few of those. That being said, I thought he looked a bit slow as well but he's a huge human being. Pushed the pocket well I thought but no 3rd and longs make it hard to rush the passer. He didn't look out of place to me. My grade...incomplete
  10. Then we need to trade for Brandon Marshall asap and help them out. Would like to make a play for Jefferies first.
  11. This is how left handed white guys throw free throws.......
  12. I heard on the radio that he played every snap as well! If thats true, after the first play he's even more amazing! I remember the tv announcer had said Edelman might be done for a while after the 90 yard dash. If he stayed in the rest of the game that is some conditioning right there. Go Bills! Glad were relevant again this year...keep it going now. DOES HE POSSESS THE CHROISE?
  13. Taylor 42 yarder to Sammy on left side. They go for 2 to Clay over the middle
  14. Been looking at things...top 3 is a good spot. It's #4,5,6 that I dont know what I'd do.
  15. I don't want it....either 1st pick (Antonio Brown) or I'd rather be later in 12 team league. Who should I go with at #2? 12 team league 1/2 ppr. I hate this spot.
  16. Thanks for the opinions...
  17. Play in a 10 team keeper league. We don't know the draft order until draft night. I can keep Gronk for a 3rd or Allen Robinson for my 7th rounder. I don't know if Gronk provides the value. Especially if I get pick 1 or 2 where its the 1st or 2nd pick of the 3rd round vs at the end of the 3rd at pick 30. Any thoughts? (I could keep Duke Johnson as an 8th rounder)
  18. I have no idea where he is or why you would ask but it seems like you needed to get that off your chest. Go Bills!
  19. Get the lower bowl without question. You NEED to feel the experience. It's always an intense vibe. Some games more then others. New England and the Jets are very rowdy. This shouldn't be too crazy. Make sure you park in Hammers Lot (across the street from the stadium), do a bowling ball shot and give yourself time to go to the Bills store and to wander around the tailgates. Tell people your from Australia and this is your first game and people will treat you right. Last year I was able to sit in the suites twice after going to games for over 35 years. There is NO comparison, its a different feel. Very nice up there, but laid back. If you are looking for the Bills Experience, and I think that you are, don't do it. High fives and hugging with strangers awaits! If its cold and snowy even better, you want that as part of your story. Ask questions here, we are very friendly people! Welcome! ...just saw you've been the before....I'd still do the lower bowl
  20. Put the posts back on the goal line! Put back in endzone celebrations.
  21. Very sad to hear this. He had Parkinson's like my dad had. Rest in Peace. He was a bad man
  22. Very cool. Nice job. Can't think of many things cooler then that.
  23. I love that he is on our team
  24. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
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