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The Tomcat

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Everything posted by The Tomcat

  1. Im a bit of conspirsist .... If the NFL needs a scapegoat wouldn't it be convenient to blame these brain anomalies as simple head banging instead as a side effect to all the stuff they inject to the athletes so they can play on Sunday and worry about the consequences later? Just thinking out loud....
  2. Id bet the over easily... Id put o/u at 7.5
  3. I have no issues going to game by myself. I sat by myself for Jim Kellys last game vs Jacksonville next to a guy from Australia for his first game and didn't understand American football all. It was cool actually. I have friends at tailgates so I would go there and have a few pops and good times. Sitting by myself is fun, I pay less and see the stadium from places I don't normally sit. I will say this. If you know no one, go to Hammers Lot and introduce yourself to the Twobillsdrive tailgate and you instantly will have friends to party and hang with. Its starts early and you'll probably get fed too! Good people.
  4. Exactly! But my battery can't be replaced thus my dilemma.
  5. What happens when my battery dies in line because I was taking videos of Alonzo jerseys, Idiots jumping onto tables and ketchup'd themed entertainment? What then? WHAT THEN!?
  6. "Now boys....." "Yes Father"
  7. It is unbelievably bad. I listened all the time via tune in and had no problems. It's sad really . Pegulas need to get their own station going.
  8. I am not liking this Radio.com app...it really sucks actually.
  9. I will say this and then run away. I love the Pats old school logo.
  10. Ha...I found my coach mask the other day. The guy knows a lot of stuff but he's so the "get of my lawn" guy. That said, I did find him interesting and somewhat entertaining. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind and I liked that about him.
  11. Personally I liked most everything he did. The Bennett Twitter was a bit bizarre and possibly done on purpose. I wish him well.
  12. Only Patriot players take band supplements.... Too much $ on the line to not take them and get out to play. Tens of millions of dollars. You bet your sweet ass I'd take something to heal me up faster. Just sayn
  13. Happy Birthday Kim. Cheers!
  14. I wish him luck. I have nothing bad to say about his time in Buffalo. Until the end of course. I hope he finds what he needs in life.
  15. Very nice to hear. Gonna have to get the tissues just like in Canton.
  16. tunnel endzone arent bad at all in my opinion...he'd get to see all players up close a few times. Ya gotta stand but I prefer that. Make sure you get there early and walk around to the store and by other tailgates. Maybe even let'm share his first beer with his dad ala Chevy Chase in Vacation! (Good talk son) ahh memories!
  17. No joke. When I saw Zays infamous video and knew he cut his foot bad I was worried so yeah, I'm concerned. I don't think Dez is the answer either fwiw (would love to be wrong). I've been hoping for a trade of some sort actually. Maybe this spurs that?
  18. I will watch myself. Sounds very interesting and some Bills tie-ins too.....Game 2 of preseason as well as Tyrod. Cocky rookie QB equals broken leg Troy Vincent style!! Right JP!
  19. ....and why would we bring in Cutler when we can get Kurt Warner for vet minimum?
  20. I was expecting a pixie when I opened this topic
  21. Im 50 too and I'm a draft a holic
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