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Posts posted by SACKMARINO

  1. I am going to throw this out there because I know there are a lot of very smart people out there that may be able to help me. I have a really great photo I purchased from a photographer some years ago that shows Bruce Smith layed out diving to sack Dan Marino. It is a photo that would look great framed and hanging in my trophy room. I have been trying for years to catch up with Bruce to get it autographed before I frame it. Does anyone know what my best bet would be for getting it signed ? I am willing to ship it with return postage included to have it done. But , I don't know where the best place to send it is. Any help would be appreciated greatly. Thanks.


    I have the same photo you are talking about, and was lucky enough to get it signed a few years ago when Bruce came down to play the Fins as a Redskin.


    Bruce will tell you he "doesn't sign pictures", but if your persistant he should sign it. Tell him its a poster.....

  2. Their food is prepared by "Bon Ape'tit" at St. John Fisher....


    I went there for 1 year and the food is pretty good, They have a grill stand with Chicken Breasts, Burgers


    Then they have the salad bar with fresh fruit as well


    Then they have a pizza/pasta bar and there is also a station with a new main course every day.


    From what the cooks told me not all players are on diet restiction, however some are.


    One Chef told me, "You should have seen Sam Adams' face when he saw how much 3oz of Shirmp was!"


    the end.

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