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Everything posted by Kim653

  1. My Dad passed away many years ago - but you are right!!!! Those are days I would love to have back!
  2. I do all these things - you miss the point! At the local hockey game, I go to the smoking area. It is not the team I am giving up on - road games are still the same team.
  3. Have no issue with the smoking bans where they are enforced for everyone - and do not defend the habit. But the exception for the Press Box folks is what made me mad. Would renew our seasons if not for this exception.
  4. It is not a league wide ban - only the Bills, Bears, and Packers have these bans.
  5. Saw our last home game Saturday at the Ralph - after 10 years as a season ticket holder in the club seats (sad)! And 50 years of going with my Dad to games and sitting in his season seats. Never thought we would give them up - but this whole smoking ban really made us mad. Guys from the Press Box are allowed to walk 5 feet outside the gate, smoke their cigarette, and then come right back into the stadium. You or me -NO. I am a considerate smoker (would only smoke away from non-smokers), but this is ridiculous. There is enough smoke in the parking lot every Sunday to cloud the air when the wind is still. When we bought our seasons, we had heated seats, minimal hassle getting into the game, and staff that made you feel appreciated. All of that is gone. Did some research, and found that only 3 of the 31 stadiums have rules similar to the Ralph. The other 90% of the stadiums either have smoking areas or allow fans to go to their cars and then re-enter the stadium. Washington even has a cigar bar in their stadium. I am not defending a bad habit - but the overuse of alcohol is an equally bad habit. This is okay since the organization makes money on this one! I am surprised that the Bills did this to further reduce their season ticket base - but it is their business to run. Looking forward to road trips next season to see our Bills - and ENJOY the experience.
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