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Everything posted by DD4Bills

  1. 😨 Heck no!...and stop looking at me like that!
  2. They put a parking lot on a piece of land When the supermarket used to stand Before that they put up a bowling alley On the site that used to be the local pally That's where the big bands used to come and play My sister went there on a Saturday Come dancing All her boyfriends used to come and call Why not come dancing, it's only natural
  3. hmmm...lot of the clues point to Gordon Lightfoot, but he's not dead.
  4. Jack Nicklaus (seeing as it's Masters week)?
  5. 41 bottles of beer on the wall, 41 bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, 40 bottles of beer on the wall
  6. Gotta be Pamela Anderson...probably the last picture taken with this much clothes on.
  7. Admittedly not the best pic of Madonna, but fact...
  8. Ooh, she's a little runaway Daddy's girl learned fast All those things she couldn't say Ooh, she's a little runaway ...too soon?
  9. Near Zero chance of getting this one...unless you cheat and look it up like I did. If anyone does legit get this, well, I'll give them a "superbowl - Awesome" thumbs up.
  10. A fawn-eyed girl with sun-browned legs dances on the edge of his dreams
  11. My overly-simplistic take: - Uncharacteristic performance by the offense. Multiple drops (I count the 1INT as a drop even though it was a smidge behind the WR), undisciplined penalties, and some Josh plays that we haven't seen all year (Q3 int and several others that should/could have been). The only characteristic part of the O's performance was unfortunately the continued complete lack of a running game. - Characteristic, unfortunately, performance by the defense. That unit has given up an average of over 28 points a game. It's clear to me that this team goes only as far as its offense will take it. When the O has an off game, the D is nowhere near good enough to make up the difference.
  12. well then, how about Michael Douglas? Same jaw line.
  13. Kirk Douglas? That jaw line.
  14. Have we given up on this one?? I believe this is the guy who played Alfred on the old (60s) Batman series...full disclosure - I did have to look up his name - Alan Napier.
  15. A modern-day warrior, mean mean stride...
  16. Bingo. Fake crowd noise is as much a safety net to drown out or cover up all of the swearing that would otherwise be piped straight in to your home as it is something to add the the viewing experience. Networks don't want to be sued for FCC violations.
  17. The eyes, the smirk, the dimple...got to be John Cazale (Canazale??) from Godfather, Deer Hunter, Dog Day Afternoon fame. Died way too young.
  18. Oh...don't know the actress's name off-hand, but this is Penny from Lost in Space.
  19. I believe that is a young Seth McFarland
  20. Wanna meet my mom? (cell phone buzzes) I gotta take this Burger King or McDonalds? Wow, you're kinda fat Wanna see something gross?
  21. hmm...didn't we just recently do Iggy?
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