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Mike In Illinois

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Everything posted by Mike In Illinois

  1. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are all "Flight Days", meaning they're paring down from the 5,500+ entrants down to 1,500-1,800. Then next week is the tournament, with the Final Table next Friday, I believe. So I dn't think all the notable names have been knocked out, I think their flight rounds haven't started. PokerPages.com
  2. ***SPOILER ALERT*** You're right, Glen Close is leaving. According to the Associated Press: THE SHIELD" - SEASON FINALE WASHINGTON (AP) _ Tonight's season finale of "The Shield" is also the last episode for Glenn Close. She only signed up for one season. Michael Pena says he'll miss being bossed around by Close. He says he learned a lot working with "an icon." Pena says like anyone who's at the top of their game, Close made it look easy. He says what Michael Jordan did with a jumpshot, Close did with dialogue.
  3. I'm not convinced of Monica leaving. My guess is Aceveda. He's got too much stress and pressure on him, especially if Mitchell gets thrown back into the slammer (assuming that Antwan knocks off the guy who Aceveda "serviced"). On the other hand, how long can a cable tv show keep such a talented actress as Glenn Close? Maybe she is one and done. I agree that last night's show was tremendous, especially the last 20 mins. or so. I can't get enough of this show. It's like a drug; you Jones for it when it's not available, but feel satisfied when you get your weekly fix.
  4. Thank you to those who did and do serve and defend us all over the world. We wouldn't be able to take a few minutes to type a message on the Internet if not for your sacrifices for us.
  5. ASHBURN, Va. (AP) _ The N-F-L has some questions for the Washington Redskins. The league and the players' union say they're investigating Redskins offseason practices to find if there were one-on-one drills between offensive and defensive linemen that the union says are forbidden. There's a prohibition against "live contact." Union chief Gene Upshaw says they learned of the drills from the team's Web site. Coach Joe Gibbs says the team has turned over tapes of its practices to the league for review. If there's a violation, the Redskins could lose some of their offseason practice days. Gibbs says he thinks the Redskins are well within the rules. Tackle Chris Samuels says the drills are for working on hand placement and technique, but aren't used to drive guys to the ground.
  6. Those blue jerseys look really nice. I'm in the market for a new jersey (tossed my road Bledsoe to a friend who's a Cowboys fan) and if the price is right, I'm getting a McGahee, I think.
  7. One of the few bright spots on an otherwise awful Illinois football team the last two years. I'm not sure, but I think he started all the games last year, too. Injuries haven't been a concern. It seems that despite having Ron Turner as a coach, several Illinois football players have made it to the NFL the last few years: Marques Sullivan, Eugene Wilson, Christian Morton, Greg Lewis, etc.
  8. I've never been one to watch many great sitcoms or dramas on TV through the years (NYPD Blue, Seinfeld, etc.), but The Shield's a different story. A co-worker let me borrrow the Season One DVD's and I've been hooked the last few seasons. I, too, wonder when Acevedo will fall and when they'll finally get Antwon Mitchell. They always seem to keep the show fresh and keep me guessing at what will happen next.
  9. Congratulations and good luck. My wife and I are going to our first ultrasound tomorrow. Mrs. Champaign is expecting our first child(ren?) this November.
  10. John's not alone... I've never been to Buffalo....yet. If you must, you may revoke my posting privileges as well.
  11. He was at the Illinois-Wisconsin basketball game last night. They introduced him during one of the timeouts in the first half. He got a standing ovation. I wish I could have tracked him down after the game, there's a lot of questions I would have asked him.
  12. After David Byrne left, I believe the remaining members of Talking Heads put out an album; No Talk, Just Heads (?).
  13. Thanks for posting this!
  14. This cowbell has joined the herd.
  15. He hates those cans!
  16. "The Lord loves a workin' man!"
  17. The Cards took a flyer on Womack last year for cheap. He was coming off some major shoulder surgery (Tommy John?). They also picked up Marlon Anderson in case Womack couldn't perform. As the season wore on, Womack's shoulder regained strength and he was a tablesetter for the Redbird lineup. Anderson became a role player getting spot starts at second and left field. I was hoping the Cards would re-sign Womack but I guess they have other options (Marlon Anderson?).
  18. Bites it today. Blows it on Final Jeopardy question; doesn't lose all his money, but enough. Some chick named Nancy beats him by a few thousand dollars. Hope this isn't a day or two off from when you see it.
  19. Illinois lost alleight in 2003 and extended that losing streak to 14 games before knocking off Inidana at home on Senior Day. Before that the last Big Ten win was at Northwestern in 2002.
  20. I believe ABC showed this movie uncut on Veterans Day 2001 and 2002. The affiliate I work for plans on airing it. There are a handful of companies who own ABC stations who are afraid of being fined by the FCC. The asked for a waiver to exempt the broadcast from being fined, but the FCC refused those requests. The result is the FCC could fine those stations, or they may not. Also, ABC has said they will pay the fines for any station hit by the FCC. I agree that this should be held in a different light than the Super Bowl incident, as this is a special day and the movie might be used to reflect and remember those who fought for our freedom.
  21. Anyone that has Insight Digital Cable (they bought out AT&T in some areas) and has NFL Network has highlights On Demand for free. They usually come down Tuesday and last ten-fifteen minutes, with audio from the winning teams radio broadcast via Sirrius Radio. This is how I've been able to follow the Bills, as I've been unable to catch any games on TV on Sundays.
  22. We were covering the game and it hasn't sunk in either. We did a live report just after the game ended. The fans were bouncing off the walls. BF: PM me if you're interested in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch Extra of the NLCS champs; Jim Edmonds in full-out dive from early in the game. I think that may have saved the game from swinging all the way in Houston's favor. We're covering Games 3,4,5 next week and may go to Beantown for 6 and 7 if necessary. I predict Cards in 6. Mike
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