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Mike In Illinois

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Everything posted by Mike In Illinois

  1. Priceless (and I'm not even halfway through the video). Some co-workers and I were talking about Showbiz Pizza recently. Sadly, I never got to go.....
  2. Update: (I apologize if it's been posted already) September 2nd will start the Final Season. From the FX Newsletter: THE FINAL SEASON DEBUTS SEPT. 2 The final act of The Shield will debut Tuesday, Sept. 2 at 10 p.m. (eastern). Check out www.fxnetworks.com/shows/originals/the_shield for a series of video interviews with the cast as they reminisce about the past seven season’s of the groundbreaking series. CLAUDETTE’S NEW SERIES CCH Pounder has landed a starring role in the supernatural drama Warehouse 13 on the Sci-Fi Channel. Her character reportedly leads a secret government organization. Pounder also filmed a pilot series for CBS about a team of newspaper reporters, but the network did not pick it up. Less than three months away and only a few days before the Bills kick off their season.
  3. You could always call around to the bars/restaurants and get a gauge as to if they'll carry the games. Try Pia's (Champaign, Rantoul), a place I think is called Boston Pizza (out on North Prospect), Jillians (I don't think they have too many TV's but I think they carry Sunday Ticket), Hooters.... That's all I can think of right now. Good luck!
  4. Prayers for a speedy recovery... get well soon.
  5. We're...... DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Welcome to Central Illinois! You're best bet is Buffalo Wild Wings. They have two locations; one in the north part of Champaign and the other was recently built in Savoy, which is a small town on the south end of Champaign. If you have any other questions about the area, PM me and I'll try to answer them. My User Name is dated, as I live over in Springfield now. Mike
  7. It looked like Hornaday came down on Busch in that wreck. I didn't see Kyle slide up. Maybe Hornaday's spotter didn't tell him Busch was still inside?
  8. To paraphrase Joe Namath's interview with Suzy: This thread is "Struhgguling." (Sorry, been listening to Jim Rome too much)
  9. 18/20 Missed the first and the Miami Vice question.
  10. Baseball Simulator 1.000 I agree with Baseball Stars (I played B.S. II and it didn't seem as good) and Tecmo Super Bowl. Baseball Stars had Free Agency, Create-A-Player and allowed you to make money and play a season with a variable number of games. Another sports-related game I like is Dusty Diamond's All Star Softball: 50-60 characters, all with different attributes. Blades of Steel did not have fighting, but had a tourney-style play, and when you won the tourney, they showed highlights of your team winning. Great thread!
  11. I think the same thing, too. Last summer Artie suggested he may leave the show in January '08 because he was burned out and couldn't do it anymore. he talked about moving to Italy for six months (IIRC). This came out the day before the show went on vacation. I love the entertainment the show provides, but they blur the line between reality and what is good, entertaining radio. Maybe that's what makes me listen?
  12. I post this from an e-mail newsletter I receive (apologies if this is repetitive): THE LONG GOODBYE Fans of The Shield will have to wait until the fall (at the earliest) to see how the epic tale of Vic Mackey and the rest of the Strike Team will come to an end. The exact date that the first of the final 13 episodes of The Shield will air has yet to be announced. Entertainment Weekly reports that airing the show opposite the Summer Olympics is a major concern on the part of FX. The Shield creator Shawn Ryan told EW: "I wish fans can see them now, but I gotta be a team player.” The writers’ strike kept Ryan from filming the finale, but he reportedly recently completed post-production work on the final three episodes. Ugh, I thought early summer would be the start of the last season. Not so.
  13. New Balance. They have shoes for in-steps and out-steps and all kinds of widths. They always have some sort of sale going on (Free Shipping, $10 off $75 purchase).
  14. So another question is whether the weight loss puts him back around the playing weight he was a few years ago? I agree that if he's healthy he's worth a shot, but does he want to play in Buffalo and do they have interest in him?
  15. Dolphins | Team talks with Wiggins Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:48:40 -0700 NFL | Wiggins wants to return to league - from www.KFFL.com Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:47:07 -0700 Judd Zulgad, of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, reports free-agent TE Jermaine Wiggins (Jaguars) wants to play in the NFL again, according to NFL.com. Wiggins has spent the past three months training and has dropped 15 pounds. Judd Zulgad, of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, reports the Miami Dolphins have talked with free-agent TE Jermaine Wiggins (Jaguars). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falcons | Team talks with Wiggins Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:48:06 -0700 Judd Zulgad, of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, reports the Atlanta Falcons have talked with free-agent TE Jermaine Wiggins (Jaguars). Career Stats: Year Tm G Rec Rec Yds Rec Avg Rec TD Rec 2pt Rush Rush Yds Rush TD Fum Lost 2002 CAR 8 8 45 5.62 1 0 0 0 0 0 2002 IND 2 2 17 8.50 0 0 0 0 0 1 2003 CAR 16 8 80 10.00 1 0 0 0 0 0 2004 MIN 14 71 705 9.93 4 0 0 0 0 0 2005 MIN 16 68 568 8.35 1 0 0 0 0 0 2006 MIN 16 46 386 8.39 1 0 0 0 0 0 I cannot remember if there's any health issues. He could be worth a look.
  16. I still like the Air Coryell-era (Fouts, James Brooks, Charlie Joiner, etc.) jerseys: Blue over yellow. Maybe I'm too nostalgic? Fouts in action
  17. Living near the University of Illinois (and working at a local TV station) I've been subject to this debate for the past seven years; it's been going on for 12-15 years now. Some people (students and faculty among others) deem Chief Illiniwek as racist and offensive. They feel the University is harboring racists and promoting racism by allowing the Chief to perform at halftime (those who portray the Chief take courses as a performance art, I believe, for class credit. They learn about the history of the Chief and the significance of the dance). The pro-Chief group, seemingly led by a pocket of boosters, alumni and students do not see the Chief as anything but a symbol of the University and see it as a sense of pride and history (the Chief dates back to 1926 as part of the Marching Illini). The timing is important as the past few years, due to incompliance with the NCAA, Illinois has not been allowed to host postseason NCAA Tournament events (women's basketball and tennis to name a few). This does not include postseason conference tourneys. Now that the men's basketball team is struggling to make the NCAA tourney and is "doomed" to the NIT, it has the possibilty of hosting games in that tourney, but only if they comply with the NCAA sanctions on hostile/abusive mascots/imagery. Bottom line, the timing allows the U of I to make money of it's cash cow in athletics; Men's bball. A couple of notes: they are keeping the nickname "Fighting Illini", as it derives from the name given to the group of men and women who fought in the First World War (The Fighting Illini). However, anti-Chief people are going to fight this. Also, the image of the Chief on apparel (t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.) may still appear, as there is not apparent NCAA conflict; it only deals with athletics. I know this only scratches the surface for you, but I do hope it sheds some light. I for one hope this goes away and we can worry about that sorry football team (who ended Syracuse's losing streak in 2006) and rebuilding a wrecked basketball team.
  18. Our son has been in daycare since he was three months old; which has been more than a year(!) now. He travels with my wife because his daycare is the same direction/city as my wife's job. Sending him to daycare I see as a socially rewarding experience for him. There's only so much that we as parents can provide him; being with other kids (most of the 6-8 are older than he is) allows him to interact with kids and hopefully grow mentally. Missing my son during the day just makes it more special when I get home and see him; he usually waddles his way over and wants me to pick him up, to which he gets a big hug from dad.
  19. Announcement comes today at 3:00pm ET on NFL Network and on Hall of Fame Website. It's gonna be fun to return to Canton for another Bills enshrinement!
  20. That's Gangsta Talk for a lot of money. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  21. Keeping my fingers crossed at least one can get in this year (Thurman Thomas)... Hall Semifinalists I believe they announce the inductees the week of the Super Bowl.
  22. Anybody else notice when you do a search for past SI covers Bills-related it pops up with results for the Buccaneers? VOTE early and often!
  23. Just Ducky.... Disco Ducky
  24. I see your link and raise you a classic from MTV's early days: Doin' the Robot
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