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Mike In Illinois

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Everything posted by Mike In Illinois

  1. I thought in your original post you were inferring the song was an original. My mistake.
  2. The chanting was cool and the videos kept me entertained as much as the music. "Canadian Idiot" is a parody. The donut section of "Alburquerque" is funny. My favorite was "Trapped in the Drive-Thru". They did the middle section, where Al sang to the music track and the band broke out live during the "Black Dog" portion, where Al's trying to turn down the radio. As a Zeppelin fan it's always good to get a little Led out even for a few seconds. The underlying theme was the crowd was large for the Illinois State Fair and a lot of the acts weren't drawing big pre-show ticket sales and possibly losing money for the fair. But Al's show should have made money for the Fair as they needed over 3,000 tickets sold to be in the black and I know they had more than that.
  3. Bump, because I just got back from seeing Al in concert. Great show, the band played a solid two hours including "Alburquerque" as an encore. The atmosphere was great and it's a family-friendly show (with a few grownup references along the way). To repeat what's already been said, GO SEE WEIRD AL YANKOVIC IF HE'S PLAYING NEAR YOU! that is all
  4. Great article. Thanks for sharing that with us. It's amazing how terrible people can be but it's also amazing how great some people are.
  5. What is a kick in the seat about ESPN-U is that CBS College Sports is available without the Sports Pack (at least it was recently).
  6. Damn you, Lamaar Lutrell! or ..... and he sticks the landing.... in the foot.
  7. I remember about twelve years ago the St.Louis Blues traded for Wayne Gretzky and a bunch of people bought his jerseys. The excitement was short-lived when Wayne left a few months later and a bunch of people were left with 99 jerseys. Check e-Bay, I'm sure you can find one. Point is, it's a waste to actually get a Favre Bills jersey even if he came here. I don't want Favre because you set this franchise back and alienate Trent Edwards by bringing him in.
  8. One, as in, one game winning streak for Illinois over Mizzou after next month's game?
  9. I think a few of us on the board will be there. If I go I'll be on the sidelines, as I'll be covering the game for work. We'll have to come up with a secret wink or hand signal to contact each other..... as long as it's not misinterpreted as a pick-up sign by those fruity Mizzou fans.....
  10. I'm not sold on Laurinitis. My opinion is he's a bit overhyped. He seemingly disappeared when Illinois upset them in Columbus. Andy Katzenmoyer got a lot of hype coming out of Columbus and he fizzled in New England. I may be off-base but I'm not impressed.
  11. Is there an actual NFL rule that would prevent a team (KC for this example) of obtaining Favre in a trade and then turning around and sending him to Minnesota. I know it would essentially ruin any professional relationship KC and GB would have from that point forward, but is it illegal? Collusion?
  12. Yo momma's so fat, that back in the day they wouldn't let her wear a Malcom X jacket cuz people were afraid helicopters would try to land on her.
  13. Yes. and to a lesser degree Martez Wilson. I think the story goes that once Martez had committed that Benn decided on Illinois too. They turned down the likes of USC.
  14. Yo momma is so dumb she thinks chocolate cake is anything with chocolate icing...... What? Wrong thread? Crap.
  15. Yo mamma's so dumb.... I told her it was chilly outside and the b!tch grabbed a spoon!
  16. I'll throw in the name of Arrelious (Regis) Benn, a soph. WR with the University of Illinois. Led the team in receptions and yard as a freshman and broke out on the national stage in the Rose Bowl, all with a shoulder injury (dislocated) that happened in a team scrimmage in August. The kid's a stud. As far as DB's watch for Vontae Davis (Niners TE Vernon's younger brother) at Illinois as well. He'll be a junior and is already project a top-10 pick in next year's draft if he turns pro. He's on a few preseason award watch lists. Great pass defender and plays well on special teams; a couple of punt blocks last season.
  17. True, you wouldn't be caught in public with them...... because they'd be dead after Mangino ate them! I kid!
  18. While Mizzou came to a soft landing in the Cotton Bowl, Illinois found the Rose Bowl Game a little thorny. I guess that what happens when you overachieve. Either way, I really think that will be one of the games of the year when we look back on it. Illinois-Mizzou was one of the best last year and Illinois played in a few good ones after that: Penn State, Wisconsin, Ohio State.
  19. Growing up I used to watch some comedy show that was on WGN (I think) late at night. They used to have guys challenge each other with 'snaps'. One I remember that was funny is: If ugliness were bricks, yo momma would have her own projects. Don't remember much about the show but that segment.
  20. Bump with some more good wishes for millbank.
  21. I've got tickets to see him here in Illinois in early August ($10 per ticket!!!). I cannot wait to see the show. I work with a guy that actually won a look-alike contest at one of the national conventions.... dead ringer for him when he puts on the curly wig and moustache (old Al).
  22. Illinois/Mizzou (I should have a prime seat for that one: on the sidelines!). Mr. Chase Daniel, I'd like you to meet Mr. Martez Wilson (Freak 2) and Mr. Will Davis. Oh yeah, with Mizzou's off-field issues/injuries, will they have enough players to suit up? (I keed, I keed!) It's gonna be fun!
  23. I thought I'd throw this last minute offer to my fellow TBD'ers that live in/around St.Louis... The college my wife works for purchased a Party Room (Hit For The Cycle, Section 211) for the Chicago Cubs/St. Louis Cardinals game this Sunday, July 6th- 2:15pm first pitch. There were 60 tickets and now about 5 remain for the game. The price is $135.00 each but you get more than access to the room for the game. Included in the price is a pre-game buffet, soft drinks and beer through the 8th inning, goodie bag with more snacks in it, and a chance to win door prizes. They will also have raffle tickets for sale to win a picnic basket full of 'summer-type things'. The proceeds for the game tickets and raffle tickets go toward the scholarship fund to the college. If you're interested PM me or e-mail me mrmichael21@yahoo.com by midnight CT Saturday.
  24. Golf clap for such a good-looking hat....
  25. Sending positivity the good Dr.'s way......... :thumbsup:
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