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Mike In Illinois

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Everything posted by Mike In Illinois

  1. Now that we know his whereabouts, it's time to get down to serious business: Where Are they Now?: Halvor Hagan
  2. Extract is from Mike Judge. I saw a trailer and it reminds of Office Space; I'm interested in seeing that movie.
  3. Since Pat Bowlen apparently has short-term memory loss, we could tell Denver they agreed to trade Brandon Marshall to us for Shaine Smith.
  4. I do see the "diamonds" where punctuation should be: quotations, apostrophes, etc on the front page and with Jay's user name. Still viewing this in FireFox.
  5. I don't see anything different in FireFox (3.5).
  6. "The Crying Game" The Bills lead you believe they're (the) sexy (team to pick). Then when things get hot 'n' heavy (preseason) they pull out their...... SURPRISE! If you're picking one movie line that could illustrate the upcoming season, it would be Rob Schneider's character from "The Waterboy": "OH, NO! WE SUCK AGAIN!"
  7. #9 kinda reminds me of D-Day from Animal House.
  8. Classless move by The Undecided One, IMO. Favre has no business pulling that junk in the preseason, especially when he could have been hurt on the play or been a victim of the payback.
  9. There may not be any players strictly from the CFL enshrined in Canton (I don't know if there are any), but I would think Damon Allen would have a legitimate shot at making it. That's assuming the Pro Football HOF is open to all pro leagues and is not focused on the NFL players- which it seems it might be. Damon's Wiki site. One would think that being called the Pro Football HOF would make it open to all pro leagues, but it does seem skewed to the NFL, AFL and AAFC.
  10. Since it is the PRO FOOTBALL Hall of Fame, I assume this will count towards eligibility.
  11. Who's to say that the game is over if he made the kick? There were still four seconds on the clock after the kick- New York had to kneel down to end the game (Joe Pisarchik, anyone?). I know the odds are slim to none, but there's always a chance the Giants could have ran the ensuing kickoff for a touchdown. Stranger things have happened (Wycheck to Dyson).... I accept Norwood as a man who gave that field goal his best shot and hold no ill will to him- then or now.
  12. I read that they put a ban on cell phones coming into the park. So will you send us spoilers once you're allowed to text? I don't care to wait for the broadcast in a few weeks. Cards look pretty good so far. Just need to pick up a reliever for the late innings and they can be a threat for the pennant. GO CARDS (and let the flaming begin)!
  13. Some reviews from the show: http://stereogum.com/archives/concert/them...909_083461.html Rolling Stone review Chicago Tribune Chicago Sun-Times Apparently John Paul Jones used a keytar(sp?) for one of the songs. My friend who went to the show gave the show a thumbs-up and said it was fantastic: 75-80mins. of original rock 'n' roll music. And the web site now has a forum and a store to buy a $30 t-shirt.
  14. BTW, the concert is tonight in Chicago. We'll see when reviews start to come in the next few days.
  15. Real good show, IMO. "Why Must I Cry?"
  16. Cutting back on consuming alcohol can help in weight loss if that's a problem for you as well. It was widely reported that eliminating Patron helped LenDale White drop 30+ pounds over 6 months. So maybe that can be used as motivation for getting this problem under control. Good luck to you and much respect for asking for help!
  17. http://www.themcrookedvultures.com/ I was just made aware of this band, as their "surprise show" is this weekend in Chicago. Tickets sold out in 6 minutes but a buddy of mine scored one. Dave Grohl on drums John Paul Jones on Bass Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age) on guitar/vocals This sounds all sorts of awesome to me.
  18. "Yeah, but what's Phase Two?"
  19. The guy looks like Will Ferrell's character on SNL, Terrence Maddox (the nude model) right down to the perceived wink in his mug shot.
  20. There's no way Shanahan is coaching for Al Davis again, so mark off Oakland.
  21. Somewhere Bruce Edwards is smiling down on Tom, imploring one more good round from him. Keep it up, Tom!
  22. I think that jersey looks great! I may have to go after one.
  23. There's a little house on Charing Cross Road off Sunset Blvd. in Beverly Hills that most red-blooded males might want to check out. Some guy named Hugh who went to the University of Illinois lives there. How about In 'n' Out Burger for a West Coast treat?
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