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Mike In Illinois

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Posts posted by Mike In Illinois

  1. How about some info non-draft related: Are the higher-ups ticked off the new jerseys were leaked? I think the consensus is these are a very good (if not great) upgrade. I think they've done a fine job with the new scheme, although some would like changes to the helmet (blue facemask, standing buffalo, etc.).

  2. Wikipedia has a better look at the uniform template. There is the "Bills" wordmark under the NFL shield, and the facemasks are gray. Click on the image at the link and the facemasks become gray. I would have preferred blue facemasks, but overall this is a return to uniform greatness.


    wikipedia uniform page


    I can't stop looking at those unis; they are great-looking! I posed this link in a question to Steve Johnson on Facebook, asking him to comment on these being the new unis or not.


    Those are awesome uniforms, if they are the real ones. With our luck it would be something hideous and these leaks are all a ruse. Hopefully they reveal them on Thursday night.

  3. So far they haven't ruined it. :thumbsup:


    I have gone through a few different runs of having Palladia as part of my DIRECTV programming and have it right now for free as part of the HD Extra package. I watched the new Foo Fighters documentary Back and Forth on it a couple of weeks ago, even though VH1 and VH1 Classic broadcast it earlier that night. Simply a great channel for music, although it seems tobe a challenge to find these channels anymore.

  4. I watched Game Five real-time all the way up to OT. The wife and I were watching a few episodes of The Office we had DVR'd and I went back to catch the OT winner.


    I'm really happy to see the Sabres fighting to win every game in this series. I'm a Blues fan but Buffalo is my #2 team to root for- probably due to my love for the Bills. I'm rooting for their success as a fan but also because I know how much the team means to many of you here on this board. I really do hope they can go far and win the Cup. I cannot imagine what that will do for the fans of Buffalo sports.


  5. I 'd thought of posting this as well because I heard Peter King talk about it too. I think I'd do that deal with the devil. We would have the chance to gain five good, young players in the draft. Peter mentioned that the Pats* would have to give up 17, 27 and 33 because those three have a draft 'value' (points allocated to each position in the draft) to equal the #3 overall.

  6. What a great era to be a young child. I loved it and soaked up all I could. I remember I had a Saturn 5 Rocket model that was the coolest thing. I still remember you could separate the command module from the rocket and open up the landing module and remove the LEM. I was terrible at making models but this once came out perfect.


    Sadly, it sounds like you were better at preparing a space ship that the Soviets were. (no offense to you)

  7. link


    I guess I'll add Starman to my must read list.


    Kind of eerie in my opinion. I'm not old enough to remember The Race To the Moon- Challenger is more of my era- but you had to think this type of thing happened. In a desperation to explore space/reach the moon that corners were going to be cut. It is chilling to think the man knew his fate and would (could) not stop it.


    Beerball, I appreciate you (and others) who add these links. I sometimes feel close-minded to things in this world but it's articles like this that allow me to fill in the holes in world history. Kinda mind-expanding without the narcotics :thumbsup:

  8. That is too bad. Is there a sense that this could mean the end of the franchise?


    From what I understand, St Louis is a good US hockey city. I can't imagine that the NHL would be thrilled with the idea of them leaving St Louis, given their long tradition. I have seen in recent days that the Thrashers and Coyotes could very well be uprooting from their towns. That can't be good for the league. I wonder if the NHL would step in, as it did with the Sabres and Coyotes, to run the team, until an owner can be found. We (Sabres fans) were very fortunate to have Tom Golisano step in when he did. It sounds as though the Coyotes could be going back to Winnipeg, I move I would embrace...and I would love to see Quebec have a team again...but the Blues need to stay in St Louis...what is Chuck Berry up to?


    Best of luck.


    More with Checketts.


    In this article it mentions that the NHL was keeping an eye on the situation and would have stepped in to run the franchise if it got bad. There's always a possibility the new owner could move the team but Checketts is adamant about selling to an owner who will keep the team in St. Louis. One of the partners in the ownership group has shown interest in buying the team but their offer is not quite up to market value as of now.


    St. Louis is a great (US) hockey city that was slowly coming back to see the Blues play the last couple of years. I don't think Phoenix or Atlanta have proven to be great cities for NHL franchises- Atlanta has proven this more than once now. Right after the lockout the franchise took a nose dive (remember Mike Danton?) and the new ownership group was working hard to get the fans to come back. Many of the home games are sell-outs, even if the team is near the bottom in the conference standings, and the Blues are now break-even on their finances. It will take that new owner to infuse money into the team in order to bring in some quality players via free agency or trade. I heard on the radio last night that they are financially sound enough to sign their core players (TJ Oshie, Patrick Berglund, David Perron, etc) to long-term contracts so they should have a stable nucleus for many years.


    A brief history on the Blues for those who may not know much about them: Their inaugural season was 1967-1968; they made the Cup Finals their first three years- the coach was Scotty Bowman. They've also had Al Arbour as a coach. The team qualified for the playoffs 25 straight seasons ('80-'04) but never got to the Cup Finals during that stretch. They won the President's Cup in '99-'00 but were upset by the San Jose Sharks in 7 games (Roman Turek, anyone?) of Round One. The low point was in 1983 when owners Ralston Purina (Dog Chow) practically abandoned the team and put them up for sale. They did not send any team representative to the Entry Draft and thereby did not draft a single player. The team was initially sold to Bill Hunter who planned to move the team to Saskatoon (maybe Goons for a nickname?) but the NHL stepped in because they wanted the team to stay in St. Louis; they were eventually sold to Harry Ornest and remains in the Gateway City to this day.


    I think the team will stay in St. Louis but it may take a while to find someone willing to spend $175 million to buy the franchise.


    EDIT: Chuck Berry is still around. He plays a monthly show in the Duck Room at Blueberry Hill.

  9. Article.


    Dave Checketts led a group in purchasing the St.Louis Blues in 2006. One of the investors decided to withdraw in 2010 and Checketts was unable to secure a replacement partner for the ownership group.


    As a Blues fan I've been encouraged by the current ownership group and I feel they have the foundation in place to be a good team soon. I just hope they turn the corner and do not regress any more. Do any of you Sabres fans have any perspective or thoughts on this (given you just went through an ownership change)?

  10. So, the players are thinking of holding their own party...




    I would enjoy it if no press, fans or incoming players showed up, but that won't happen.


    This (the draft)is one 'event' that's really about the fans. They go, make noise, cheer, jeer and have a rowdy good time. The former NFLPA has really screwed this one up.


    Besides the fans the draft is about the incoming players and their families. The former NFLPA has decided to crap on them.


    How would you feel if the league came out and said "in light of the controversy surrounding this years player entry draft we have decided to not invite any college players out of respect for their feelings."


    I feel like this is turning into a bitter divorce battle and the role of the kids caught in the middle is played by the incoming collegiate players. I don't think it's fair to them if they are strongly discouraged from attending the draft. Walking on stage for the world to see and to shake hands with the commissioner has turned into a rite of passage for these men. They've worked very hard to get to that point in their careers and it would be a shame if it was taken away or frowned upon by The Union That Is No More ("it ceases to exist!").

  11. Bernie Miklasz from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch had a pretty good take on this PR move the "former" NFLPA suggested to the draft picks: Bernie's Article. He does bring up a point that was mentioned here: how can a defunct organization dictate what an athlete, who's not a member of the NFL or in a union until he signs on the dotted line, does during the NFL Draft?


    I think this was a bad move by the "remnants" of the NFLPA. One or two more bad PR moves like this and I think the support for the players may start to wane.

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