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Mike In Illinois

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Posts posted by Mike In Illinois

  1. How pathetic was that? They should have just put up a crawl at the bottom that scrolled "for ratings purposes we are showing T&A that have absolutely nothing to do with this show". Somehow I don't think they ever filmed Alex or Hugh taking in the hot springs......


    That would be called filming wildlife, one of them nature scenes of a grizzly drinking from the stream.

  2. I will have to watch this year, I hope its not as bad as it has been. I hope they'd ditch a lot of those reality shows they have. MadHouse was fun but silly. Pawn Stars is hilarious. Almost all ride on the coat tails of the original.


    Also, Whale Wars is back and looking as retarded as ever!


    On an entertainment/excitement scale I want to like Whale Wars, but it's fallen short to me- the idea of people throwing the jars of stinky butter at other ships is not exciting TV. Maybe I'm programmed to enjoy physical confrontation more?


    However, the story of these activists taking on the Whalers and trying to prevent them from doing their "work" (whatever your feelings are on that topic) is what is interesting. I read a story a few months back of the results of this year's Sea Shepherd campaign so I'll watch to see how this season plays out.


    The South park episode was really funny.

  3. A few weeks ago, right after the draft, I caught an interview with Buddy Nix on Sirius NFL Radio's Movin' The Chains. Buddy mentioned in the interview a discussion he had with Marcell. Dareus effectively said "You better pick me if I'm on the board when you draft. Otherwise, I'm gonna kick your @$$ for 10+ years." (I'm paraphrasing but the message is the same)


    I think it's good he's coming into his NFL career with a chip on his shoulder, no matter how we perceive the slight. Marcell feels he's the best player from this 2011 draft and he's out to prove himself. No one will believe he's the best player or that they made a mistake if he doesn't produce on the field.

  4. Born and raised in Central Illinois, so I have no connections to Buffalo. I think I initially took notice of the Bills in the early-80's because of the color scheme. I seem to recall listening to a preseason game on the radio when they rolled out the red helmets and it was something different. We never got many Bills games on local TV since we had the St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago Bears and the Indianapolis Colts- although the local NBC would show Chiefs games more often. (Point of note, we lived outside of town so all television was picked up off the antenna; we never had satellite and no cable until we moved "in town" around 1990). I'd always have to keep an eye on the 10-Minute Ticker and halftime updates to get the score. I remember one highlight where they showed a two-person wave at a Bills home game- those were lean years!


    The game that solidified my fanaticism in the Bills was the game they hosted against the St. Louis Cardinals on 9/21/86- my 9th birthday. That was Jim Kelly's first win as a Bill- a game I don't remember the details of except the final score of 17-10. I've been a fan for close to 25 years now and I feel I ride the wave of emotion with most of you in wins and losses. It was tough for me as a kid in Junior High/High School suffering through those Super Bowl losses; kids teasing an taunting me for being a BIlls fan and me not being that assertive/confident in myself made for some crummy weeks at the end of January from '91-'94. But I persevere.


    My first Bills game my mother took me over to Indy to see the team play in '91. We went for four straight years to see them play over at the Hoosier Dome (Colts fans would often call it the "Glue Factory" when the team wasn't playing well.). I think I've been to Indy seven times for games, including the first one after 9/11. I've seen them play in St. Louis and this past season in Green Bay. For my 30th birthday my wife and mother got me a trip to Buffalo to see the Bills host the Jests, a game that Trent Edwards led them to victory (remember when he had promise?). I cannot wait for a return trip to Buffalo because there is so much I didn't get to experience that I look forward to (we only toured Niagara Falls due to a short trip). I'd also though of going to Cincy this year as that seems to be a sure win anymore.


    I had Sunday Ticket for half of last season and would really like to buy the 2011 season but that remains to be seen.


    I love Buffalo Bills football!

  5. I read that the Bills did an ok job picking drafts. Not like my Jets but ok. It would be nice if you guys could finish 2nd behind us so we can have easy playoffs and be rested for the Super bowl.


    Can you even believe the killers the Jets got in the draft? The coach has guaranteed a Super Bowl victory. I am looking forward to the Jets bashing some heads in. I can't believe these other teams was so stupid and left these guys for the Jets.


    Muhammad Wilkerson


    Kenrick Ellis


    Bilal Powell


    Jeremy Kerley


    Greg McElroy


    Scotty McKnight



    Welcome to the big time boys. What's your shoe sizes?


    And don't nobody say nothing about Rex being a blowhard and stupid. If you read the article it also says he wrote a book. I doubt your southern coach can even read a book so forget about writing one.


    I am mostly writing to say you guys did a good job on drafting for a second rate team.




  6. Bump.


    NGU, any information you can share for tonight's two rounds? Is Bowers in the conversation at #34? Martez Wilson? Any remaining QB's? Any info about the new jerseys you can share (public announcement with players showing them off)?


    We really appreciate your insight.

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