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Mike In Illinois

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Posts posted by Mike In Illinois

  1. Rumors (so take them for what they are worth in the wake of Pat Moran last week):


    @SaviorEdwards Savior Edwards Source: Fred Jackson wants out of Buffalo and trade talks have begun with 2 unnamed teams. The good news keeps coming.


    @SaviorEdwards Savior Edwards Source: Several veteran players have already 'tuned out' Chan Gailey and questioning some of the recent personel moves. Yikes.


    Again, take them how you want, especially when it's someone posting on Twitter.



  2. On their day off, Vince Wilfork and Albert Haynesworth were having a belly-flop contest with Mom Lady as the judge. Nothing to see here......







    Seriously, hope everyone/everything is okay for you who are on the east coast. Here in the Midwest we have the New Madrid Fault. Forecasters keep telling us we're overdue to have a major earthquake/

  3. I shut off the computer last night when this thread was coasting to the finish line at 29 pages. Little did I know that more articles and quotes from reputable sources would breathe new life into this thing.


    I agree with the notion that this story has run its course. The Border Patrol and the U.S. Attorney's office both say there is nothing to this search of Merriman at the border. I think their words speak much louder than "Mr. Bigg Smiggs'" (Moran) and should put this issue to rest for now. Unless there's new information that comes out implicating Merriman to something illegal then I respectfully ask for this thread to be closed, too.

  4. @PatrickMoranBSD Patrick Moran I'd never write something of such a derogatory nature about a player on a team I support without strong basis, KNOWING the consequence


    I used to work in news media. One of the early things I learned was to have multiple sources confirm something before reporting it. If I'm not mistaken, Moran is basing his report on one source. That's just not enough for me, sorry.


    I also learned to be unbiased you must have both sides to the story. I think Shawne has offered his take on the situation to balance out the report by Moran. Unless I hear another source confirm Moran's side (and not someone reporting on Moran's article) I will take Shawne's side. He'd be stupid to get caught with 'roids when he's been down that road once before.


  5. Dictionary.com lists 15 separate uses of the word, with about 50 different examples of bust or busted and none of them are "busted" like by your wife or with your hand in the cookie jar. Just sayin.'





    Not to mention that I would bet if you asked 100 people what "Shawne Merriman busted for steroids" meant in a headline, 99-100 of them would have chosen "arrested or suspended by the league" versus "detained and released not carrying anything illegal" ;)


    Does Dictionary.com have multiple listings for mopery? Some of us using the Shoutbox would be curious. :thumbsup:

  6. then how is terrelle pryor punished for something he did in college?


    although drug stuff tends to be very strictly defined as to whats punishable, whereas the conduct stuff is up in the air.


    Pryor is now trying to become a member of the NFL with the CBA in place; a CBA where Goodell has authority over player punishment. Merriman allegedly was in possession of (a) substance(s), was detained and let go (still not confirmed by more than one source. Actually, conflicting reports on what he allegedly possessed.) This all happened outside the CBA. If they were going to punish transgressions during the lockout then Kenny Britt will be in trouble, too.

  7. Yeah, and the world has known about it for 10 minutes. Who knows what the border patrol and the league know, and what evidence they have. Saying this is a non-issue at this point is turning a blind eye to a very serious problem that could turn out to be a one year suspension.


    Please see my post at 4:47PM. Since it's outside the league year I don't think Merriman could be punished if he is in trouble.

  8. How can possession of a banned performance enhancing substance not be in violation of personal conduct rules - he has it - what is he going to do with it? Whether the answer is buy or sell, he's suspended.


    Technically, this happened outside the official league year (which started August 4th). If Merriman did something illegal he may not be punished. I recall that one of the final questions about the CBA was whether players in trouble during the lockout (Kenny Britt) were able to be punished once the new CBA/League Year started. I think they ruled the players could not be punished.


    This may end up being a non-issue if my words are correct.

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