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Mike In Illinois

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Everything posted by Mike In Illinois

  1. I forsee the electricity at Mr. Moran's home getting dim. Must be LightsOut.
  2. You'll have to ask Roger Goodell. He makes the call on these kinds of punishment.
  3. It cannot end, because the last post wins.
  4. Does Dictionary.com have multiple listings for mopery? Some of us using the Shoutbox would be curious.
  5. Pryor is now trying to become a member of the NFL with the CBA in place; a CBA where Goodell has authority over player punishment. Merriman allegedly was in possession of (a) substance(s), was detained and let go (still not confirmed by more than one source. Actually, conflicting reports on what he allegedly possessed.) This all happened outside the CBA. If they were going to punish transgressions during the lockout then Kenny Britt will be in trouble, too.
  6. Please see my post at 4:47PM. Since it's outside the league year I don't think Merriman could be punished if he is in trouble.
  7. Technically, this happened outside the official league year (which started August 4th). If Merriman did something illegal he may not be punished. I recall that one of the final questions about the CBA was whether players in trouble during the lockout (Kenny Britt) were able to be punished once the new CBA/League Year started. I think they ruled the players could not be punished. This may end up being a non-issue if my words are correct.
  8. Darryl Talley: @DarrylTalley Darryl Talley @PatrickMoranBSD never say that about ur kid man.
  9. Video of the incident. Please note, Merriman is not in the video. Apologies for the poor quality.
  10. BTW, Merriman out with groin injury for Saturday's game. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED.
  11. Moran Tweet: "If I'm intentionally fabricating a story for attention, may my 8-year old get hit by a car.. Those who know me know better than that."
  12. Maybe they thought they were doing Moran a favor and letting him break it. Maybe this is his big chance to get a national gig?
  13. Did I read correctly that the NFL is testing for HGH on game-days? It would make sense for the league to do it then.
  14. He was not arrested or booked for anything wrong.
  15. Moran: Story A definite non-committal on the apparent non-story. A lot of vague-ness.
  16. Maybe Jasper was caught smuggling some authentic Canadian Bacon across the border? I honestly hope this Merriman rumor is untrue, simply because I want to believe the guy is back to form in a legitimate way (not cheating). Most of us agree, if not all of us, that a healthy Merriman is critical to the defense's success (and the team's, to a degree) in 2011.
  17. My conspiracy theory: Letting it go unreported an extra day or two may have meant a few extra ticket sales for the regular season. Just my unsubstantiated guess.
  18. Moran also adds he allegedly was in possession of the substances; the rumor isn't that he's failed any tests for steroids.
  19. I had Sunday Ticket through a mid-season promotion last year (upgrade to their Premier package for 6 months and ST was included at no extra charge). I must not have cancelled Sunday Ticket yet so now the potential charge of $53.99 is showing on my bill. I called DirecTV and the CSR just offered the $20 off for 6 months, and I politely declined. I did receive a call a couple of weeks ago from DirecTv's outbound marketing/sales people offering me another deal (not involving Sunday Ticket) so I may call them back tonight and ask for a deal with Sunday Ticket.
  20. Always Test Drive Hondas Everyday . Terrific Value ?
  21. I don't know if anyone else caught this on Sirius this morning, but Ross Tucker was discussing Maybin with a caller from Baltimore. He said that Aaron's 2011 salary is in the range of $750k- all of which might be guaranteed- and that there wouldn't be a big savings if the Bills cut him. Ross added that Maybin's getting reps as a backup so he may be valuable as an inexpensive (if not ineffective) backup at OLB. Ross mentioned just before that- to the same caller's question- that he watched Maybin in practice last night and he didn't have any positive words about him.
  22. So, you're telling me in missing last night's show I missed JauronFace? DANGIT!
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