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The Unsinkable Colin Brown

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Everything posted by The Unsinkable Colin Brown

  1. My dear, sweet boy is getting a PS3 from his REAL father. Not my lout of a husband.
  2. He's a rotten bastard, and you people shouldn't be encouraging him. He'll go out tonite celebrating with that horrible coworker of his, and come home smelling like cheap aftershave and vaseline. And he hasn't satisfied me in ages, and his son is sitting home crying because the cheap bastard won't buy him a Playstation 3.
  3. And I suppose that's my fault, you rotten bastard. And I don't even want to hear anything about you giving my dear, sweet son the truck. You couldn't even get him a new PlayStation for Christmas.
  4. Meet me at Motel 6 in an hour. Because Lord knows I'm not getting any from that rotten husband of mine, always out and about with that horrible coworker of his. I STILL haven't been satisfied since he fired the damn pool boy, the lout.
  5. Of COURSE I ran away, you rotten bastard! Always doing God knows what to all hours of the night with that horrible coworker of yours, or standing around in the backyard muttering about the trees and squirrels, and you're too damn lazy to get up off the couch and by my dear, sweet son an XBox! And I haven't had a satisfying sexual experience in MONTHS! Not since you fired the pool boy, anyway.
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