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Wayne Arnold

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Everything posted by Wayne Arnold

  1. Stop calling it a "hit piece". He took opinions from various sources who aren't fans of McDermott's coaching at varying degrees. I think the only source who really questioned his character was the one who thinks he's a narcissist. But that's one man's opinion and each reader can take it for whatever it's worth in their eyes. We don't get enough media about McDermott's negatives because so few who report on the Bills don't want to put that stuff out there for fear of losing access to the team. We need guys like Dunne who has the balls to write things like this because not everything is lollipops and puppy dogs when it comes to this team and its head coach. To be so sensitive about it is silly.
  2. You have got to be kidding me with this crap. You consider a critique of the head coach to be an attack on the fanbase? That is weird as hell.
  3. How's the Buffalo Bills brand at the moment? Miss the playoffs and it's going to fall off a cliff and Pegula absolutely will feel it. I'm not worried about it. If this team misses the playoffs or even loses in the wild card round I'm very McDermott is done. Not even Pegula is dumb enough to keep him at that point.
  4. Great post, Scott. Perfectly stated, I agree with everything 100%.
  5. That's exactly what he wants. Now when they miss the playoffs he can tell Pegula and the contingent of emotional fans that it was Tyler Dunne's fault and they'll likely buy it.
  6. If you're not winning with one of the two or three greatest quarterbacks on the planet and sources close to the owner come out and say there's no chance the head coach is fired then ***** is going to get ugly. Why is this so hard for you to understand? There isn't a single billionaire on the planet Earth who doesn't mind "operating at a loss". Not a one.
  7. "Tearing a person down". As far as the Buffalo Bills fan base goes, I think there are two major portions of it: the portion of the fanbase that wants a Lombardi Trophy before they die, and a portion of the fanbase who don't care so much about winning but are overly emotional and weird when it comes to the head coach and some of the players. All I want is to see this team win a Super Bowl. That's the bottom line. And it's a bottom line business, quite frankly. And Sean McDermott ain't it. It's not happening with him. Period. And if we have an owner who refuses to cut ties with him for whatever reason (as reported very recently), then that Super Bowl portion of the fanbase is going to use whatever there is available and do whatever they have to do to put enough pressure on Pegula to make it happen. No one is "gleefully tearing a person down" or "ripping the joy out of someone" or any of the other dramatic statements you made. I like McDermott the man. Respect him a ton. But he's just not good enough. Flat out. He's not. The other emo portion of the fanbase can cry their little hearts out about it all they want but they're going to have to pull up their big boy pants and deal. This is the NFL. They should focus more on the Bandits or Canisius if they can't handle it.
  8. It's amazing that Chad Hall is still employed. Does Doug Peterson know about this?! Accepting bribes from NFL players. What a menace!
  9. Oh give me a break. The entire WR unit contributed to the gift. Save your lawyer speak for things that actually matter.
  10. I'm skeptical that Sean McDermott has ever listened to music in his life. We know he's never laughed.
  11. Not to mention all of his employees make waaaaaaay more than he does. The corporate/office analogy is not a good one. Sorry @HardyBoy
  12. When did Dunne write a "hit piece" (oh the drama, Good Lord) on Beane?
  13. Oh no - what an ATTACK on McDermott's CHARACTER! It's a SMEAR CAMPAIGN! You guys I'm throwing up I'm so appalled. Why does he have to pay attention to it? Acknowledge it publicly at all? I don't think anyone thinks he's a HORRIBLE coach. Just not good enough to win the Lombardi which is all that matters. You should be happy and celebrating this article. As long as McDermott is as good as you think he is then the entire team is going to unite behind him and beat the Chiefs by 50 points on their way to running the table.
  14. Good to see some of you are preparing to blame Sunday's loss on Dunne and the fanbase. McDermott would be proud.
  15. What people who worked closely with McDermott think of his coaching and leadership qualities is absolutely news. If you don't think so then don't read it. "Attacking his character". Cry me a river. You could claim any criticism of your job performance as having your character attacked if you really wanted to. Part of being a coach is being a leader. If you're not allowed to describe the stupid things McDermott has done to make people question his leadership abilities because it might *gasp* "attack his character" then how do you suggest people evaluate his leadership skills?
  16. Ok. Reporters should only report complimentary descriptions from sources.
  17. Journalists should only report complimentary descriptions from sources.
  18. These quotes are pure victim mentality and not something that is going to unite grown men to get behind him, I suspect. If McDermott is as good as many defending him think he is, this team is going to come together and dedicate the rest of the season to their amazing head coach who has been wronged by a journalist and the 20+ unnamed sources who have criticized his coaching. They will proceed to beat the Chiefs by 50 points and run the table to the Lombardi Trophy.
  19. Sean McDermott going into today's press conference:
  20. The holier-than-thou BS while you dab away your tears needs to stop. No one is attacking McDermott the human being or judging his ability to be a husband, father, friend, community member, etc.. This is all about the Buffalo Bills and how their coach is falling short. That's it. The sensitivity from some of you shocks me.
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