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Wayne Arnold

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Everything posted by Wayne Arnold

  1. Joe Brady finally remembered that James Cook exists.
  2. This Chiefs defense is the best we've faced all year. Damn.
  3. Are the refs going to get fired for calling something in favor of the Bills?
  4. Gabe Davis can't even catch the football when it's on the ground and all he has to do is fall on it.
  5. James Cook is the 2nd best player on the team. A critical series like that, you have to put the ball in his hands. Failing to do so can't be blamed on the OLine or the WRs.
  6. James Cook with 0 touches on that series. Fire the entire coaching staff. They're all a bunch of morons.
  7. Reid might as well throw the red flag. I'm sure they'll find a reason to overturn the turnover.
  8. Look on the bright side - the defense would have given up a first down on 3rd and 10 regardless.
  9. You forgot "then Josh and the offense scores a touchdown late only for the defense to choke and give up the late score for the loss".
  10. Other quarterbacks throw interceptions, but only when Allen does it are they "bonehead". When a team is mentally weak it starts at the top.
  11. Hate seeing Ty Johnson get so many touches. The definition of jag.
  12. The offense has to score at least three more touchdowns. Field goals won't do it.
  13. No you're right - we should only hear positive things about people in power. The opinions of fired people or those who have witnessed mistreatment should never be heard.
  14. Right. How would we know he hasn't lost the locker room? Last I checked, they don't announce to the public when players of a football team no longer buy the message the coach is selling.
  15. We can argue semantics until we're blue in the face. In the end, it's irrelevant what you want to call Dunne's reporting and completely misses the point I'm making. The point is that this existing mindset from a segment of the fanbase that a reporter shouldn't report certain opinions about a millionaire coach of a football team because it might hurt his feelings is completely absurd. We need to bring all perspectives about this head coach to light because many people pay their hard-earned money and spend time out of their lives rooting for this team that he's in charge of. And because it's a competitive sport, our goal as fans is to witness this team winning the Super Bowl. And if there are many people out there who have experience working closely with that coach and believe he doesn't have the leadership qualities and/or coaching chops it takes to get that team there, then it should be reported to the public. To think Dunne "could have listened to his higher angels and taken a higher road" by not reporting what former players and colleagues really think about McDermott is a disservice to the fanbase.
  16. I could see that happening if we fall short of the divisional round of the playoffs. It would probably require some of his teammates - specifically Diggs - pressuring him in doing so.
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