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Wayne Arnold

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Everything posted by Wayne Arnold

  1. https://twitter.com/BartScott57/status/554047900729483264
  2. Love the responses: "hey big mouth hows the weather? it was beautiful in Philly yesterday. cant stand Kelly but understand why you were traded" The weather has been lovely in Western New York lately, thanks for asking.
  3. Dead money value of $16.2 million this year. Ouch!
  4. I thought Chris Williams played better at tackle than at guard in St. Louis. Maybe he will be our starting RT if Kouandjio and Henderson can't step up.
  5. You have 90 professional athletes on one team. Not every one of them is going to be the type of person you'd want your son to grow up being or your daughter to marry. Gravitate toward the Fred Jackson's if you'd like and appreciate players like him more but Freddy and Kyle Williams are not the norm.
  6. I don't think it's the reporting that is as much an issue as the fan/public reaction to those reports. You have to know how to take the reports depending on the personality and reporting history of each media member. Each need to be taken with a grain of salt and analyzed collectively - not individually. Many fans will take one single tweet/report from one single reporter and blow it completely out of proportion.
  7. Welp - considering our recent history (if you consider 15 years "recent") then that should be a good thing.
  8. I've intentionally kept away from the moral perspective in this thread because it's so relative and that's where the emotions come into play. If I was forced to answer your question I would say yes because men are generally bigger and stronger than women. But that isn't always the case so as always it should come down to contextual circumstances.
  9. Well, first of all why would you assume that? Has there been another situation similar to this one where the victim was male and I did not defend him similarly? Secondly, thanks to the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, men and women are not always looked at as equals in the eyes of the law. I don't even think that applies in this case but that would be a reason for leniency in other similar cases.
  10. I know you're not referring to me. I have no feelings.
  11. But we don't know that she called him anything. All we know is what we see on the video. Outside of that we're just speculating and/or making stuff up.
  12. Yeah, I tend to be leary of anyone who starts a post with "He decked her because she..."
  13. There's also a leap between stating people are using innuendo from the cold-cocker's lawyer as a tool "to make the victim look like she deserved what she got" and thinking or stating that the same posters really believe that she got what she deserved.
  14. Good post. Not at all. That's not my intent, sorry if my posts somehow come across that way.
  15. "No....he decked he because she raised her fist to him immediately and he grabbed her arm to prevent her swinging and she immediately swung with her other fist, followed immediately by his response. She started a sequence of events that would lead any reasonable person in that circumstance to conclude that it was to continue. Look at the video. She immediately took umbrage to him bumping into her and became aggressive. Add to that that she was probably drunk and you have a pretty good case of self defense, IMO." That's just one example. There are others, including from one poster who called me a "white knight" for daring to defend this woman lol
  16. Do we have to be so literal? Let's not be naive here. There is a whole lotta 'she had it comin to her' mentality in this thread.
  17. No. It's sad that people in this thread are using his lawyer's claims as a fact to make the victim look like she deserved what she got but not at all surprising.
  18. I'm pretty sure you have it backwards. Since Johnson is the one who invaded her space by grabbing her wrist, Johnson's lawyers have to prove that she was acting with the intent to harm him. And since her arm/fist never moved forward, that will be extremely difficult to do.
  19. So when a woman or anyone else raises her arm to point at the person behind her, it's officially open season on her face? I can't wait for the next time a person waves at me. According to a couple of people on this forum I'm going to be within my legal right to grab his/her arm, clutch it until he/she is able to defend and get away then I'm going to bash his/her face in because it looked like the person was about to slap me!
  20. It's ok from a legal standpoint because she was acting in self-defense. Why is this so difficult for some of you to grasp? He was creating apprehension by invading her space in the form of reaching for her arm and clutching it against her will. By definition, that is assault. And that was before his punch even occurred. Look - no one thinks this girl is an angel on Earth. My daughters are both under 5 but 15 years from now I'll show them this video as a demonstration for how to not act in bars. And I think it speaks volumes that no one here has been able to give me an answer as to what she could possibly be charged with.
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