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Wayne Arnold

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Everything posted by Wayne Arnold

  1. Because they're in the same division as the Patriots and...because Buffalo.
  2. They're just waiting for Michigan to win the national championship so they can welcome back Jim Harbaugh to turn the franchise around.
  3. Many Bills fans were clamoring for Seattle's offensive coordinator to be our head coach two years ago. Just goes to show - all football coaches suck except for Belichick.
  4. Todd Haley stinks and Josh McDaniels will NEVER leave Belichick/Brady for Buffalo. Ever.
  5. They were either traded or got second contracts because teams thought they were good. Lesson: they fooled teams into thinking they were better than they were because of the team they were playing for. Amazing that I have to even explain it.
  6. My eyes aren't quite what they used to be but I still don't see "amazing success" in that quote.
  7. When did I ever say "amazing success with the Pats"?
  8. Why do you think we fired our offensive coordinator after the second game?
  9. lol Garappolo is just another Patriots quarterback who looks great in Belichick's NE system but will suck everywhere else he goes. (Hoyer, Cassel, Mallett, Garappolo, etc.)
  10. Just tell me Lynn thinks crowding the LOS/pocket on 3rd and inches and running up the gut is stupid and I'm all in.
  11. Sully is a talented guy but he doesn't even remotely write the truth. And he knows it. Not saying Roman deserved to be fired but I'm also not saying he didn't deserve to be fired. Sounds like the Pegula's did their due diligence by interviewing players one-on-one. And it sounds like the players on offense weren't thrilled with how they were being coached. Therefore the Pegula's were fully on board with Rex's decision as they should have been. You can be against this move all you want but it was obvious that Roman's offense had many flaws (Sammy not being involved enough, for one). And it regressed horribly from last year in the first two games. Not to mention Roman's play-calling was a huge weakness. The wasted timeout and 4th and inches play call midway through the 4th quarter was a fireable offense in and of itself. Add in the fact that the players preferred a change in direction on that side of the ball and I'm fully on board with the move. And if it doesn't work out then the entire staff will be let go at the end of the season anyway. I seriously can't see why anyone would be upset by this.
  12. I'm very skeptical of that report. Something likely got lost in translation.
  13. One could say the cluster of idiocy midway through the 4th quarter on the Jets 45 down 24-30 lost the game last night. Manuel sneak on 3rd and inches? Okay, didn't work. Let's have Manuel trick them to jump offsides! If it doesn't work we'll just waste a timeout that may be extremely valuable later in the game. Okay, timeout is over. Let's bunch everyone up - no wideouts, everyone get together on 4th and 1. Hand it off up the middle right into ALL of the big bodies and directly at the strength of the Jets defense which has given us trouble all night. Go! (Stuffed) That was absolutely a fireable offense.
  14. The next one to be fired if things don't turn around.
  15. I can explain firing Roman: he's a meathead who runs a scheme from the Stone Age who last night wasted a (very valuable) timeout in the 2nd half trying to trick the Jets then on 4th and 1 proceeded to crowd the middle of the line and run it straight at the strength of the Jets defense. That alone warrants being fired.
  16. Fully pregnant is right. Looks like it could come out any day now.
  17. Just because he's in the room doesn't mean he's telling people what decisions to make.
  18. Jury is still out on whether or not Whaley is a good enough football mind (at this point I'd say no) but he is a "football mind."
  19. I'm sorry but "The Cap" sounds dumb and makes no sense to me.
  20. lol I just gave you the factual evidence. It's up to you whether you accept it or not. They went 8-8 a year ago, not 1-15. With no significant departures (especially on offense). To me it just seems as if you're making excuses for the coaches by saying the players just aren't talented enough (which is likely false).
  21. A (much) improved defense (from 24th in DVOA to 10th) and an offense not regressing (9th in DVOA in 2015). That would be enough for a 2-3 win improvement. Considering it is year #2 in both schemes which usually means improvement, it was not a far-fetched idea.
  22. It depends on how they lose tonight. If the offense is as inept as it was on Sunday and Taylor is a nervous nelly in the pocket and can only read half the field, then I will say see ya. If the offense is much better and Taylor looks much better and they just lose because the Jets played out of their minds or Carpenter missed a kick or the refs blew a call - then I'll be back.
  23. If that's the case then he's simply not an NFL quarterback.
  24. You fell for the sarcasm! At least, I hope for his sake that it was sarcasm...
  25. The Ravens' staunch defense has one defender to cover both Watkins and Woods. Woods running a go route down the middle with no safety on his side... Here you see Taylor in a throwing motion to what should be Woods for an easy touchdown and 7-0 lead. But no, he's checking down to Shady (and nearly killing him in the process). Guess he was giving what the Ravens amazing D were giving him. You know...forcing him to "be a quarterback."
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