I can't imagine there ever being a worse criticism for an NFL quarterback than to hear an opposing defensive player after getting completely shut down tell the media after the game, "We made him a quarterback."
It happened twice last season and now it's happened again. From Saints' star Defensive Lineman Cameron Jordan.
"I knew that Tyrod Taylor would try and scramble and we pretty much eliminated that except we got a little hungry on some sacks and he spun out and did exactly what we knew he was going to do. We kept him in the pocket and made him a quarterback."
Taylor can blame racism for the criticism all he wants. He can tell us he doesn't care about the fans, yada yada.
But when opposing defenses watch the film, they know Taylor cannot throw consistently from the pocket. In their minds, he's a running back who takes snaps from center.
The stat line really says it all this time: nine pass completions for 56 yards in a game where the defense is giving up points lots of points. This isn't one of those low-scoring games where Taylor is "being smart with the ball" by not taking chances because a turnover will hurt, etc. This is a game where he HAS to take chances and throw the ball down the field...and he JUST. WOULD. NOT. DO. IT.
It's a problem.
I'm not exaggerating when I say: this was the worst performance by a Buffalo Bills quarterback I have ever seen.