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Wayne Arnold

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Everything posted by Wayne Arnold

  1. Are you drunk? I already explained to you that Jags would have a first-round bye to play for.
  2. We Bills fans prefer the Titans win tomorrow because we're in the playoffs with a three-way tie at 9-7 between Bills, Titans and Chargers. But if Titans finish 8-8, then we're out of the playoffs if the Chargers are 9-7. That is the point.
  3. Jags have a first round bye to play for. That's far from nothing. . Btw, kiss my ass.
  4. If the Jets could somehow beat the Chargers tomorrow, that would be massive.
  5. Never draft a running back before the middle of the 3rd round. Ever.
  6. Bills have nothing to B word about. Win these next two games and they're in. Lose, and they're likely out as they probably should be.
  7. There are three good teams in the AFC. The other three teams in the playoffs will stink no matter who it is.
  8. True. Just as long as they lose to the Jags next week.
  9. If they score a touchdown I hope they go for 2.
  10. Better than a Bills win over the Patriots? That's weird.
  11. Nope, it would be better to win both games. But thanks for asking! Remember, there are no stupid questions. Only stupid people who ask questions.
  12. 99.9% luck Marrone quit the Bills gig because he confused effort with results. He thought he'd have his choice of HC jobs that offseason. Boy, was he wrong. What he did well was seeing a situation in Jaguars where a talented young GM in David Caldwell building a very talented franchise and a head coach who was incompetent. He got in there and convinced the owner to dump Bradley and hire him. That was a great move on his and his agent's part. Jaguars are the real deal because their roster is loaded. Kudos to Marrone for doing enough not to completely screw it up.
  13. That moron is beyond lucky that he woke up and/or was ever able to walk again. Gotta love the "Recommended stories" from that link. "Let's Check In With Bills Fans...Oh, One's On Fire", "Bills Fan Destroys Table, His Own Leg", and "Bills Fan Drinks Booze Out Of Butt".
  14. It's between Wawrow and Buscaglia. Wawrow the best old-school reporter who asks good questions and gets scoops. Buscaglia the best analyst. Fairburn is good too. And I love Sal M's Twitter because he's an unapologetic miserable curmudgeon to the core and it's hilarious. Not sure why Sal C is leading this poll, aside from he's a nice guy.
  15. I was very supportive of Dunkirk Don until he claimed he PM'd something to the few posters that had supported him. It was then that I knew he was full of crap.
  16. You guys, I just figured out Dunkirk Don's secret identity...
  17. You are really devoted to this, aren't you?
  18. Either Panthers or Bengals. Every other loss was a blowout.
  19. Instead, Preston Brown's first instinct was to cry to the ref.
  20. Sliding feet-first is not immune to hits to the head...
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