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Posts posted by Toshiero

  1. No, you're a troll because you B word about everything, and then 10+ different posters refute your trollish nonsense and you do not respond to them except with even more trollish things to say like "'I can't get my ass on the field in 2 years" and "why am I a troll when we suck, waaaaaaaaaaah!!!"


    No you girls call me a troll because I won't drink the kool aid and never will. When this team actually produces again then fine. So far we are still at team drafting in the top 10 till something changes and I wasn't that thrilled with this draft.


    I could be completely wrong about the draft and I pray that I am, I am sick of this team sucking, but I don't have to agree with the decisions Buddy or anyone else makes. That is a Fan and every Americans right.

  2. Both Matt Millen and Michael Lombardi really think the Bills had the best off season. With the addition of super Mario and Anderson, along with Williams and Darius makes it arguably the best front four in the league now.


    Lombardi stated he thought the Bills had the best draft, Gilmore was right up there with Claiborne, thinks Glenn will be moved inside. he really like the Bradham and Carter LBers to make the defense better. He thinks both could become starters and help this season


    It bothers me we drafted a guy that will be a guard when we needed a tackle, but oh well

  3. We did...he name is Marcus Easley and he will be our #2 WR week 1 mark my words. He has a 2 year head start on any rookie we could have brought in too in terms of NFL knowledge and knowing our offense.


    Staff and teammates said he was a beast in workouts and preseason last year...I really think the FO thinks more of this kid than many people think which is why it was not essential to grab one in this draft. I am sure if there was one they liked more than whoever else they picked they would have grabbed one, but they were not going to stray from their board to do so as I believe they like Easley a lot more than people think.


    His name is 'I can't get my ass on the field in 2 years'. sorry we can't count on the guy at all.


    Look, Brian Quick was the guy we liked. The guy we wanted. The big, physical receiver who's open even when he isn't. Besides Blackmon, he's the only guy we brought in at WR. I wanted us to draft him really bad. Most projected him at the bottom of the 2nd, top of the 3rd. I had heard the Bills were hoping to draft him in the 3rd.


    Brian Quick was the #1 Pick in the 2nd Round.


    He didn't even make it to our 2nd Pick, let alone 3rd. So at that point, with the run on receivers, we needed a guy that would at least spread the field. T.J. Graham is a track runner and a guy that McShay said was "quickly climbing draft boards" and a guy that urged him to say "You're gonna love this guy Boomer!". By all accounts, he's an underrated prospect who the Bills timed faster than Lee Evans coming out of college.


    We had to address LT by Round 2 at the latest. By the end of Round 2, no WR on the board was without flaws. We grabbed the guy that best fit what we needed at that position. And, honestly, even if this pick was a reach (which I don't), we had MANY picks with ridiculous value.

    Not many were talking about Antonio Brown or Mike Wallace on draft day either. They worked out pretty well.


    And we addressed LT with the next Mike Williams. Big, fat, slow and was the only guy invited to the combine NOT to come back on the 2nd day and wait till he was picked (NFLN And ESPN both said this when he was picked). So we drafted another Mike Williams.

  4. That Panthers outfit has been dicking with our drafts for over a decade now and they're really starting to piss me off.

    Remember when they snagged Deon Grant right in front of us and Butler pissed down his leg and immediately grabbed Travares Tillman because he "needed" a safety?

    Or the year after that when they came up to Buffalo late in the season and were kicking our ass until they completely tanked the 2nd half, scoring zero points while allowing us to come back from a 2 TD deficit and win. As a result they drafted Julius Peppers at #2 and we ended up with Mike Williams

    2 years ago they shut it down for the last month of the season and ended up taking Cam Newton 2 spots in front of us.

    Now this year they forgo all those DT's sitting there that they desperately need and grab the best LB on the board who would have been a perfect fit at a position of desperate need for the Bills, forcing us into a situation where we had little choice but to spend a Top10 pick on a 6' 190lb perimeter defender.

    I like Carolina BBQ and bluegrass but those guys are really getting under my skin. :censored:


    I yelled a not so nice expletive when the assclowns drafted Keachly. Man I wanted that guy....

  5. Wait... there wasn't one?... is this 6023598764?... I must have the wrong number sorry...



    Sheepherder struggles to play inside... he ain't the fastest of the cats...



    COLLEGE tackling machine... I can see his size being an issue ( I know, that's what she said)


    His size is not an issue


    We definitely needed another thread about this.


    so why are you posting on the thread?

  6. Physical evaluation and comparison




    6037, 258 lbs

    40 time: 4.59 s

    Bench: 27 reps

    Vertical: 34"

    Broad J: 10'02"

    Shuttle: 4.18 s

    3 cone: 6.94 s




    6011, 242 lbs

    40 time: 4.51 s

    Bench: 22 reps

    Vertical: 39"

    Broad J: 9'11"

    Shuttle: 4.46 s

    3 cone: 7.32 s





    6024, 242 lbs

    40 time: 4.58 s

    Bench: 27 reps

    Vertical: 38"

    Broad J: 10'03"

    Shuttle: 4.12 s

    3 cone: 6.92 s


    VS Urlacher: Kuechly is a little shorter, but makes up for it with his vertical ability. He's a little quicker by all accounts and puts up the same amount of weight on the bench. He's likely a little less powerful (due to sheer size) but both players check out as very instinctive leaders.


    VS Willis: Kuechly gives up a little big in straight line speed but outperforms Willis in every other measurable except for vertical (1" shorter). Its surprising how poorly Willis did in his "change of direction" drills. Kuechly may move more fluidly than Willis in this regard.


    Overall: Kuechly seems to line up somewhere in between these 2 players on the strength / speed spectrum. He has quickness over Urlacher and strength over Willis and appears to be a near hybrid of the 2. Kuechly's measurables are very impressive when you look at them in this light. If you add this to the fact that he has the intelligence, leadership and college production, Kuechly sure looks like a future pro bowler. I think he's a sure thing and I hope the bills dont pass on him.


    He will be the pick at #10 I just feel it

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