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Posts posted by Toshiero

  1. Bringing up Goddell starts getting me wonding about the state of the NFL. I don't remember completely but was Tagliabue considered to retire before his time? Could he have been noticing a trend and noticing the "$h|t hitting the fan" so to speak and got out while he could? Could he have been part of the problem?


    One thing I can tell you, tur NFL is gping to change a lot and it's going to change real soon. That's IF it even has a place anymore in our sporting lives b


    Tags knew, teams knew and they ignored the evidence. These !@#$s were told for YEARS that concussions were doing serious damage, but the players are just gladiators. They are just there to make the TV money come streaming in and if they got injured then there are thousands willing to replace them.


    Don't give me any BS about the NFL didn't know, they knew full well the extent of what was going on and nothing was done about it. I for one applaud Goddell, I hope he brings the hammer even harder. This sport is hard ass enough as is without the 'bounty' BS, without trying to make sports center for an illegal hit to someones head etc. Just to get into the league, strap it up and go at it makes you one tough SOB. Enforcing the rules, making it where post career when you can't make the NFL marketing machine anymore money, you have a chance to survive and maybe even thrive is how it should be.


    The NFL is going to take it in the ass with these lawsuits and they should. I for one hope Tags somehow gets what is coming to him in all this.

  2. [/b]


    And VY is the "much greater upgrade?" Pass. Love it for depth or a 3-4 game injury fill in. Not gonna wins SB.


    Young nor no one else will get a shot with Nix as GM. We could have had Dalton, Nix didn't feel he was worth a pick in the 2nd, look what Dalton meant to Cinci. Sorry Buddy you screwed the pooch on that one.


    Bottom line here, they are so set and egotistical they won't give anyone else a chance. They have decided to do or die wiht Fits. What is going to be disappointing is we build this great team and that one person /Position keeps us from winning the big one.

  3. Ah, back to Chicken Little posts. That's more like it.


    BTW, have you stocked up on rations for the end of the world in December? I am betting...yes.


    Nah no point to it. And there is nothing chicken little about the post, just truth and fact. What has Fitz done in his spotty career that shows you he can win us a superbowl? Nothing. We need a much greater upgrade at starting QB but won't have one with Nix.

  4. What are they scared of? Look Fitz may be some fan hero but the guy is very average period. We need a guy to come in and compete with him that can have a shot to take the job from him. Either he steps up and becomes a better QB or we get someone better.


    I don't care what talent we put around him, Fitz isn't going to win us a superbowl. This is a QB league and we don't have one that I feel can win a superbowl and its past time to get one. Last time we had a guy with that type talent we at least got to 4 of them.


    Nix says VY is here to compete for a backup job, bad call. Quit coddling fitz, give Young a shot at starting no matter how it turns out.

  5. If the League is serious about reducing concussions it needs to mandate all players wear Helmets that have padding on the outside as well as the inside like Mark Kelso used to wear.

    I think the padding should be much thicker than he had and of a medium density so that there is a lot of give to it. Imagine to marshmallows coming together, it would be practically impossible to get a concussion with helmets like that. They may look retarded at first but huge shoulder pads probably looked funny too. They can come up with all these new helmets they want but until they cover the hard shell exterior of today's helmets, concussions will likely continue.


    Doesn't matter. The manufacturers have said they can't build a helmet that will stop concussions. Stop hitting the head. It is simple. You don't have to in order to make impactful hits. Stop going to the head.

  6. Brady yes

    Sanchez no

    Tannehill yes

    Weeden yes

    Flacco yes

    Big Ben yes

    Dalton yes

    Schaub yes

    Luck yes

    Hasselback no

    Gabbert no

    Manning yes

    Palmer yes

    Rivers yes

    Cassell no


    I've got ....

    11 yes

    4 no


    I gotta agree with where you are going with this and the NFC thread. Bottom line Gailey hitched his wagon to a bad horse that is extremely limited.

  7. In no particular order

    1. Daryl Talley--the heart and soul of the Super Bowl era teams.

    2. Bobby Chandler--too small, too slow. All he did was get open and catch the ball

    3. Roland Hooks--all purpose back who had the misfortune of being the best player (IMHO) on some not so great teams.

    4. JimBraxton--overshadowed by his backfield mate, but great ball carrier in his own right, but best known as a devastating lead blocker, as well as picking up blitzing LBs like no one before or since.

    5. Tom Sestak-- ex Marine who was 27 as a rookie. With more cooperative knees, he would have played longer, and have a little statue in Canton, OH.


    Many others came to mind, like Kent Hull, Tony Greene, George Saimes, Robert James, Ben Williams, Ernie Warlick, Max Anderson, Phil Villapiano, Steve Tasker, Marlin Briscoe.


    On the other side of the coin, my 5 least favorites:

    1. Art Powell--just for being a key figure in the worst trade in team history, sending Lamonica to the Raiders.

    2. Travis Henry--serial baby daddy, and criminal.

    3. T. O.-- he didn't really do anything to cheese me off as a Bill, but his body of work as an attention whore and prima Donna warrants a spot here.

    4. Call this an entry, Aaron Maybin and Tom Ruud. To me, same guy, different eras. First round "need" picks who showed nothing but an uncanny ability to knocked on their butts. I would have included Cousineau if he ever actually played for the Bills.

    5. Willis McGahee--did anyone ever leave town in a less classy manner.


    Kelly is #1 hands down for me




    Metz and many more


    Least favorite?

    Hands down Moulds as public enemy #1. Woman beater AND quit on the team.



    Mike 'Fat ass quitter' Williams


  8. It has shocked me how many have been insensitive to this situation and even went so far as to call Seau Selfish. I really hope most of the holier than thou never face this in their own lives. Those posting that most likely have never been in that darkness with one foot already off the cliff.


    First of all I'd like to say that there are several posters in this thread who have helped frame this issue by coming clean with their own experiences with depression. Coincidentally or not, these posters are some of my favorites on this board. I had another friend on this board who was suicidal and he is doing great now and doesn't come to this board anymore (hmmm…).


    Please accept my thanks for you personal disclosures in your attempts to help others understand the problem.


    Also forgive me if I question/disagree with some of your takes. As I stated before I have in my life been sad and self-pitying and probably suffered seasonal affective disorders but I do not believe I've had anything approaching full-on clinical depression.



    I don't quite buy this hondo and here's why. Let's say his brain was clogged with all the tau proteins associated with CTE and that there was zero therapy or medication which could make him feel right. There's a chance that what Seau was suffering from is similar to what Andre Waters, Mike Webster, Dave Duerson, and Justin Strelczyk suffered from: namely uncontrollable fits of rage, dementia on the level of an 85-year old man, chronic and acute memory loss, chronic and acute paranoia, etc.


    My point is that with many of these players, we're probably not dealing simply with depression. What if they have conditions for which there is no known cure?





    Yes, regular depression can be successfully treated. But what if it's not regular depression?


    I'd like to get back to the idea of selfishness and cowardice with regard to suicide because I raised the question before and no one wished to respond.


    Some people with CTE have exhibited extreme rage behavior. Some athletes that met a violent end are suspected of having CTE and using drugs to deal with the anxiety and confusion caused by CTE. There is talk that people like the late NHL enforcers John Kordic and Derek Boogard suffered from CTE. I've heard it suggested that Barrett Robbins suffers from CTE. The late Justin Strelczyk had CTE.


    My point is if you thought that you were a violent threat to loved ones, is it selfish to kill yourself in order to protect them from you?


    How many times has a murderer killed his own family before turning the gun on himself? Would it not be much less selfish to simply kill yourself and spare the lives of others?


    If you were incapacited with dementia and rage and thought that the best way out was to kill yourself, leave a suicide note stipulating that your brain be studied, and shoot yourself in the chest to preserve your brain… is that a selfish act?


    In the context of being diagnosed with a disease which will allow your family to collect a hefty life insurance benefit, is this a selfish act?


    Would it be better if the person suffering from CTE was a drugged-up, incapacitated, burden on their family for 4 decades before they died?


    I'm not trying to do anything other than have people consider that what Seau and others are suffering from might not be regular depression… that it might be something for which there is zero cure and that those who have CTE are sentenced to a life of progressive advanced dementia, memory loss, confusion, paranoia, and fits of rage… all at an early age.


    Chris Benoit from the WWE is a classic example. Everyone screamed 'Roid rage' when the morons never witnessed Roid rage or they would have know this was not it. After his father agreed to let Chris' brain be examined they concluded he suffered from CTE I believe. he had the same damage and markers several others studied had.

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