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Posts posted by Toshiero

  1. for me, it's a tie between TOP and off/def 3rd down conversion because they go hand in hand


    keeping a drive alive and killing an opponent's drive.


    the bills have been dreadful at this. in this 12 years of garbage, i've noticed the bills can't seem to convert third and short and can't seem to stop third and long.


    maybe it comes down to a receiver and a pass rush, but for some reason i always though it was more than that.



    any thoughts?


    We went to 4 straight superbowls, 3 of which we had the lowest TOP in the NFL for those 3 years due to the no huddle. Who cares about TOP if you jump up on someone 21-0 quickly? If you can score and score often, then score. Don't intentionally sit on the clock.

  2. Agreed.


    I hate the system argument sooo much. I hear it with Brady all the time too. Who isn't a system QB?


    You know who would be really good in a Bills uni? Drew Brees. Different system, but I bet the same results. Why? Cause the dude is a HOF QB.

    No he isn't. He has had a few good seasons in the perfect situation for him. He is not even close to a HOF QB and not worth a long term deal and he would NOT put up 5000 passing yards in Buffalo.

  3. Football is an incredibly violent sport. A sport that is won through attrition to an extent. Each one of the eleven players has to win an individual battle on every play and collisions are a huge part of it. To blame the NFL the way Joe D does seems wrong and his message, frankly, is becoming boring. As sympathetic as I am to his present-day issues, there is not one commissioner prior to Goodell who understood the damages to the brain that would come. I actually believe that the steps that Goodell has taken with respect to head-shot penalties, less time in the offseason, and continued research on helmets will help. The suit by the 1700 or so players has no merit. Joe D said that he was addicted to the sport that he played and there are many who have been playing since they were very little.


    I would be in support of some sort of long term care/disability plan via trust that would help players that have such issues as well as a transitional fund to allow help in a movement to another stage of their lives in either an occupational or psychological way.


    Joe D is an alum of the team I have followed since I was a young boy and I would support him in any way but there are times when you can support someone by showing them the reality of their situation. These realtities aren't always pleasant. Football is a multi-billion dollar industry today and there is a financial debt that todays' players owe to the pioneers like Joe D, but the complaints of those pioneers to the present brain issues have no merit in a courtroom.


    And that is what the Judge and appellate courts will tell them. Assumption of risk is a real B word. Also just because you helped the start of the league, it didn't become as popular as it is until the 90's well past his time. Also some information was with held, but the NFL puts a ton of money into the retirement system as is.

  4. So I hear brees is on local radio in big easy yapping about how saints won't make him highest paid QB, he won't report until he gets a deal and saints should be all over him given their situation.


    Well I disagree and I think he's being a selfish punk. That argument can be flopped over and one can say he should sign the deal being offered because its the right thing to do for the team. This guy who everyone thinks is pure as the driven snow is trying to take advantage of the saints at a desperate time.


    Look at it from their perspective. This year they know will be a write off. So all that money brees wants will be wasted in 2012 Looking to 2013 when they get their coach back and some hope there'll likely be a rebuilding element. he'll be 34 at the start and 35 at playof time. This team needs money and cap space to rebuild, and with Brees demanding to be highest paid player he severely hampers their capacity.


    Not that I'm a saints fan, but because breeis being such a selfish ass, I hope they hold their ground and do what's economically rational and right for that team in the longer run, and make him play this season on the 1 year franchise tag. .


    Exactly and that is what I would do. Look the guy was good, not great, in SD. Only after getting with the HC and system they ran down there did he do well. I say you take him out of Peytons system and he is maybe a top 10 QB at best and that is a maybe. I feel he is screaming for a contract because he knows this and he will be exposed and never get the Big money after this season.

  5. If Fitz can correct some of his bad habits the sky is the limit for this team. This quote from Fitz about his new coach shows that he's accountable and knows he needs to be better.


    “I’ve never really had a technician as a coach,” said Fitzpatrick. “I’ve kind of always just gone out there and thrown. And I don’t know why I go out and throw like I do. I just go out and do it. To have a coach like him that’s able to sit there and say, ‘Hey you missed this throw six times last year and you missed it low every time. Here’s why…’ That makes a lot of sense for me. That’s something that I can process and now I understand why I’m doing it and can correct it.




    It shows the ineptness of the Bills front office in the past vs now. Pray, Pray to whatever God or Gods you pray to (and if you don't have any, make one up and pray) this guy can fix Fitz. He is always going to be THE reason we don't get to or win a SB with his erratic play. If this new guy can shore him up then we are good.


    And if the Gods do not listen...Den to hell wid dem!

  6. Fitzpatrick under the gun


    Mr. Sandman is now looking over Fitzpatrick's shoulder. The Bills signed former Tennessee Titans and Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Vince Young to a one-year contract earlier this month. Young is making backup money (only $350,000 of his contract is guaranteed) and the two-time Pro Bowler is saying all the right things in accepting a backup role, but Young is a 6-foot-5, 243-pound quarterback with a great arm, two Pro Bowls on his resume and more mobility than Fitzpatrick. If the Bills struggle on offense, and the heat gets turned up on Gailey, how long can he wait before making a switch?


    Fitzpatrick's contract contained $24 million in guaranteed money, of which $15 million -- a $10 million signing bonus from last October and $5 million option bonus from March -- has already been paid. The $2.88 million in partially guaranteed base salary in 2012 is safe, but that's not the case for the remaining $6.2 million. Another average season while running in place in the win column could prompt the Bills to consider cutting ties with Fitzpatrick, whose cap number is set to jump from $6 million in 2012 to $10.45 million 2013. That decision would likely be made before a $3 million roster bonus comes due on the second day of the 2013 league year.


    Is Vince Young really a threat to start?


    I hope so, Fitz needs to have constant pressure on him. He screws the pooch too often in big time situations and is inconsistent.

  7. Kirwan


    Interesting he suggests this was the Bills' plan all along, but they knew better than to try to install the 4-3 last season before getting the horses in the stable. Not sure I totally buy that (doesn't explain George Edwards' presence), but there's no question the talent needed an upgrade.


    Also, Kirwan has McGee penciled in as a starter; I think we all pretty much agree Williams is the frontrunner for that spot.


    Regardless...more positive press concerning the Bills' offseason! I know many are "worried" by this, but let's face it, when a lot of national media guys are saying your team did good things, it's probably at least a decent indication the arrow is pointing up.


    You know what the best part is? The Bills have EARNED these articles. We are now actually doing something instead of TALKING about it. We now have one of the top 2 DL's (#1 if you ask me) in the entire NFL. Our secondary was good and will now be great with the pass rush. LB's are playing in their natural spots and assuming natural roles for them.


    I see 11 wins this year baring injury.

  8. Whoa---watching "Law and Order" alone--at "our beach place"?? That's some dark dark sh*t, right there. Some real CTE, no doubt.



    Look, this is mildly insulting to anyone who has to work their whole life for a lot less money than this guy. So no one is kissing his ass and cheering his every move and paying way too much anymore? Why is this compelling? Go out and get a job, fellas.


    Its harsh but you spoke the truth. Unless they have PHYSICAL issues from the game (brain damage etc) then I don't want to hear it. Trying to commit suicide after a pro football career? !@#$ him.

  9. Hell no. He is the biggest whiny B word in the NFL. I can't stand the jerk ever since reaching a CBA he tweeted the players weren't 'Slaves'. He is nothing but the product of a system and the Saints know it. Without Sean Payton there he isn't going to do **** compared to normal and they know it. Their GM needs to entertain a trade offer with someone and cut bait if you can still trade franchise players (not sure with new CBA)

  10. http://www.cbssports.com/images/nfl/vilmacomplaint517.pdf


    By this action, Vilma seeks to recover damages for defamatory statements made by Roger Goodell, Commissioner of the National Football League (“NFL”).




    This moron doesn't get it. Goddell has tried to protect these players by NOT letting the proof get out. Once it does they can be criminally liable for participating in that bounty program AND those targeted can sue as well.


    So I really hope now Goddell just brings the hammer and puts all the info out there and all of the saints !@#$s involved go down permanently

  11. I will never see this as anything but a black eye to this once proud franchise, it is a collossal embarrassment to Bills fans and the city of Buffalo, and handicaps the franchise to have to play 9 away games a year. You want to grow your fan base in toronto? How about some travel packages and selling some luxury suites to Toronto based businesses?


    I really hope the next owner of this team scraps this abomination of an idea, if you want to move the team just do it already, don't lie to die hard fans telling them it's to increase fan base, I'd say we're all smarter than that.


    I hate it, but it keeps the Bills in Buffalo so...

  12. IMO, suing the NFL for suffering concussions you know are bound to happen is like suing the gov't because your loved one was killed while fighting in a war.


    These players know the risks. I agree there needs to be a better "exit strategy", but there are thousands of players who go on to live productive lives. The rookie symposium shows them how to manage themselves during their career...maybe they need a retirement symposium as well.


    Assumption of Risk only works if they were truly told the complete truth of the risk they were getting into. They are proving the NFL withheld a ton therefore the NFL is liable

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