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Everything posted by Toshiero

  1. I am stating if they had still have harbaugh they would still have at least 9 wins. And Considering they just beat Pittsburgh pretty good, I don't think your thought process holds as much water as you feel it does
  2. Look at what Houstons Defense has done with a single head coaching change. See Ralph has always thought coaching was over rated and never wanted to pay big to get a really good or great one and get out of their way. Coaching is still vital in this league
  3. To answer your question, YES he is that bad and worse.
  4. not only that, go back and watch his games he is a read half the field QB. He only reads the play side of the field then craps the bed if what he sees isn't open
  5. We have the best fans? Wait till the new owner says Bills fans have to start paying realistic ticket prices. We will see then
  6. Here is what many Bills fans including you don't get, 90+% of our players are backups. We keep putting backup talent on the field and trying to pass them off as starters. The players many of you want to overpay are *Gasp* not anywhere near worth the contracts they get from the Bills
  7. LMAO whatever. I have never heard a real Pro stud come out and say that stupid ****. It just further shows the pure immaturity of this kid. So he is a #2 Talent that wants #1 Money and now goes out and makes all these excuses as to why he doesn't perform? Pass on signing him. I say transition his butt and if someone wants him, let them have him.
  8. First off Why the hell does Miami draft ahead of us when they swept us? SOS is one thing but they swept us so we draft ahead of them. Next, WR? are you kidding me? Our QB sucks, OL sucks, still need 4 starting LB's if we stay 3-4 ect. Screw WR
  9. Look the kid has above average ability, is extremely immature, unreliable and NOT a professional in any sense of the word. No way in hell I pay this kid. but again he has become some Buffalo fan cult hero because he is a feel good story and made some decent plays last year. So what? He is another #2 talent that buffalo is pushing out there as a #1 ( see Lee Evans) that everyone will make excuses for. I just pray these guys don't pay him like they did lee or Fitz and tie even more money up in average players
  10. I have been around since 86' or so and I am past done. I haven't bought nor allowed my family to buy for me, anything in years. I refuse to pad Ralph Wilson's pockets. I haven't paid to go to a Bills game in years. I love the TEAM, but can't stand how ownership ruins it.
  11. I know many want to believe and even rush to his defense in belief, but you are right he doesn't. If he cared he would have realized a few years ago it is past time to sell. This game has not only passed him by, but he is too old. Many will talk about his mental acuity for a 93 year old, well 93 is 93 and no the man doesn't have a better grasp than me or anyone else doubting his ability to run this team. What bothers me is why is he worried about taxes as at worst his family will net over 350 million. I mean how much damn money do they need? There is also his insurance businesses so Im sorry money isn't an issue, Greed and Ego (I.e. its my toy and I am gonna do what I want) that is keeping him from selling. Now his cronies will try to say its to keep it from moving, but no one can keep that from happening and NO buyer is going to put it in their sell contract that they have to keep it here. Its pure ego. If he cared, this offseason it would be sold and he could just sit back and live off multi millions for his last days.
  12. From what NFLN reported a couple weeks ago if they cut him before the 7th day of the new NFL calendar year, they only owe him like 3.5 million. I say cut his ass, pay him the 3.5 and move on
  13. I think we are drafting in the top 8 which still can give us a quality QB to develop. I can tell you right now I move UP to get RG III. I feel this kid has all the talent Cam did (but not his pure size) and throws the ball much, much better and reads defenses better than cam did coming out. I can't see Gailey not begging to get this guy as he is everything he would love to have in a QB. GREAT mobility, super strong and accurate arm... yeah Gailey wants this guy. AND it would give Nix and Gailey the excuse they need to continue the rebuild plan.
  14. Oh it will be top 10, I realistically can't see us winning another game. Denver is on a roll and our D can't stop a High School team, and NE will have home field to play for AT NE and will want revenge. That game could be one of the worst blowouts we have seen since SB 27. 5-11 is my prediction. That should be good for top 7 in the draft
  15. Please draft a QB if possible and develop him. We need to draft one and just start putting pieces in place around him. This team is 3 MORE years off so the original '3 Year plan' is just not going to happen. Lets do what the good teams do and draft a guy and bring him along while putting pieces around him please. And can we dump this worthless attempt at the 3-4? When Williams comes back put him and Dareus side by side in the middle, keep edwards as a DE, find another DE in FA and lets go back to a 4-3. Put some draft picks in the OL, LB and WR And lets start doing this right.
  16. My OPINION is just that but it is also based on over 50 years of facts if you just go research them. I am not going to come on here and say 'I have these facts from so and so within the org' or whatever. Look it has been the same ever since 1996, I have told people for over a decade, things were not going to change with Ralph as owner and that he lucked into the best GM of our time and let his ego get in the way and fired him. Now it doesn't take a rocket surgeon (my mix of two analogies) to figure out that many of us have been right about Ralph and the Bills situation. It also isn't hard to figure out many things if you look at them from a business perspective and that is exactly what the Bills are, a business. But I am done with this conversation because it always ends the same, the facts keep presenting themselves each year and the koolaid drinkers keep whistling through the grave yard hoping against hope.
  17. Ok I have to stop you right there. Since the inception of this board we have had people come on here with 'insider info' and its all pure BS. Until you post names and specifics its BS. You backed up your post with the 'nothing is 100%' which proves my point. Anyone can say they know the janitors daughter 2x removed from Ralph Wilson's 3rd Aunt that told you something. Ralph Wilson only cares about money. He is the luckiest SOB on the planet by lucking into Bill Polian being on his staff when he was, and by landing the Buffalo Franchise where their fans are more than content with below mediocrity as long as the team doesn't move. No where else in America would have put up with this from him. The Facts are nothing is going to get better until he is no longer owner and odds are any businessman worth his salt isn't going to keep this team where he can't get a ROI worth a damn. Now I know its sacrilegious to speak facts and reality on Bills message boards, but sorry folks that ax is much closer to dropping than ever before and it wouldn't shock me if it falls this off-season. And as for as telling the poster 'All I can say is I know unequivically you are 100% wrong.' You would be incorrect to a significant degree (not willing to say 100% since I am not God and can't know such things to such completeness.) I am willing to bet a new owner cans damn near everyone, but you can bet Nix and Gailey are done.
  18. Wasn't Jauron 7-9 all 3 years? What was Gailey last year? What does it look like this year? The only difference between the two is one was 'Eeyore' and one is a hick that somewhat tells it straight that the team sucks. Say it, don't say it in the end it all = this team stinks. Define 'Most'. From all I read on anything having to do with the Bills 'most' agree and are finally coming to the realization it is what it is. And out of curiosity what Billionaire (since there are a limited number in the US) is going to sink nearly a billion dollars in this franchise and keep them in a market they won't see a ROI on? See you still think and talk like a fan, I am coming from a realistic fan standpoint that has zero vested interest in the city of Buffalo or surrounding communities. I also see it from not only a fan standpoint but a business one as well, as will anyone thinking of buying this team. Although I love the people of Buffalo and they are hands down the best collection of people I have met in my travels, there is no way in hell I would keep the team there it is just bad BUSINESS and I AM A FAN saying that. If Jim Kelly honestly has backers that will make him the guy who runs the Bills and he kept them in Buffalo, we will now see why his previous businesses went bankrupt, he has no concept of how to run a successful business. Now I will say if the Fans of the Bills actually want to pay realistic ticket prices, Businesses will pay realistic prices on luxury suites and buy them, someone will pay for naming rights, the County will pony up hundreds of millions for a new stadium on the riverfront... ok it has a shot. A slim one but a shot none the less. And I can tell you for ME to keep that team there that in addition to what I previously listed I would make PSL's mandatory. Now Local Buffalo fans will say 'but we can't afford that/ this economy can't support that'. I will counter with 'Exactly' which is why they will end up moving.
  19. 1. you are spot on. We are just wasting time till the new owner gets here. At this point I am all for punting the entire roster and starting over from scratch minus Dareus. 2. I hate to tell you no one is going to pay 700 million for a franchise and keep them in Buffalo. Sorry, not going to happen. its called ROI and there won't be any in Buffalo.
  20. Nope. This staff will be here till Ralph dies. They are doing exactly what he said, BS the fanbase into thinking Nix can build a winner through the draft and don't spend crap in Free Agency. All the time claiming it was the previous GM's/ Coaches faults.
  21. I miss the days when this team had talent that could start on other quality teams, when we had a team that could not only win but other teams feared and hated playing.
  22. We need to draft a QB and develop him while adding talent around him, that is what good franchises do. But good franchises also have quality guys in place to draft the right players, Buffalo doesn't have that.
  23. Nothing will change until we have a new owner.
  24. and overpaid two safety's in the same offseason making them the highest paid safety's in the NFL at the time in Troy Vincent and Lawyer Milloy. What about that white guy, Sam Adams?
  25. This team made a huge mistake by not drafting a QB and letting him develop in this last draft.
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