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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. Thanks for answering. As for your question, no, I don't think the president or any single politician should have that much power. I didn't like it when Obama rammed Obamacare down our throats and I voted for him twice. I am just really tired of the politics on both sides of the aisle. I'm sure you probably feel the same way. I firmly believe our nations security trumps (pun intended, lol) political parties.
  2. Unless I missed it, All I read was it would be approved in 2019. No specific date was given. So this is the line in sand your willing to take? Oppose border security over that? Really? What's the difference between what your doing and a little kid holding his breath until he gets his way? How do you feel about impeaching a president because your candidate lost?
  3. And vice versa. So many people on here just hate him because he won. Feelings need to be put aside when it comes to the security of our great nation. I agree about Brady. Lol
  4. Did he give a specific date when he said that? You know, you will receive it on March 1st. Was a date given?
  5. I love when the left rides there high horse. Was, you can keep your own doctor a lie when Obama said that?
  6. So your willing to put people in harms way because of your feelings? You act like "lieing" is something new in politics when Trump came along. I'm sick and tired of the f'n politicians from all parties putting themselves and their party ahead of the country. There are a lot of bad people who would love to see this country sink. We, as a nation need to keep out those who mean us harm. If that means building a wall, then build the damn wall.
  7. That's enough to impeach him!!! #orangemanbad
  8. We have to build the wall to see if it works.
  9. Dream on. Six more years of Daddy Trump!
  10. Trump has to ram it through before we know what's in it
  11. Would you rather have our border security drastically upgraded to keep America safe. Or would you rather have twice as much given to foreign "aid" (donors pockets)?
  12. This really disgusts me. How can this be justified? What exactly is foreign aid? Why is it more important than defending our border?
  13. Can anyone on the left defend this? Foriegn aid? Sounds like the dems want to line some donors pockets for the help in taking Congress back. Can the left go any lower?
  14. Like I said. Cushy job. When was the last time you actually had to work? Government jobs like yours is one small step up from welfare. Who did you know to get that job? Was there a test to determine if you could mentally and emotionally handle doing nothing for how many hours you have to be there? They Must let any idiot off the streets to work on the canal. I'm definitely not going to sleep better knowing the type of people handling that job.
  15. You have to excuse EII, he's been in a cushy state job so long he's reverted back to childhood. Poor guy has some deep mental and emotional problems. I actually pity him.
  16. I'm sorry you're an immature flake. Grow up traitor.
  17. Is this the game the left wants to play? Your candidate lost, so lets impeach him. This is seen by anyone with a brain purely political. They have absolutely no chance of impeaching him. The left is acting like a bunch of babies with a diaper rash. I wish they would go in and try to fix healthcare, schools, infrastructure. Instead they want to impeach the president and end the electoral college. No political agenda there! Timmy?? Grow up. You're just living up to the stereotype of the leftwing emotionally challenged Democrat.
  18. She's in way over her head. Not a good idea to piss off Nasty Pelosi on your first day. She better be watching over her shoulder. You know how Democrats end up with a double tap suicide in the back of the head. She's not called nasty pelosi for no reason.
  19. Democratic party has turned into diaper rash party. Keep pushing your childish agendas, you'll just guarantee six more years of President Trump.
  20. How did we let our government become so corrupt? It's a tragedy what we've become. This country needs a serious revolution.
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