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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. I'm sorry, I didn't mean you personally. I should have worded it better. I meant the msm. Total silence on the racist attack. I hope/think we both agree that racism is not something to be taken lightly.
  2. Lol I'm not trying to be argumentative, but giving them a free pass only encourages more racist behavior from them. Can you imagine if the reverse happened? White guys yelling nasty racist comments to a group of black kids? It would be all over the news 24/7 for months. Yet, not a peep about what happened.
  3. Why do you let those black Israel guys off the hook? They were the ones yelling racist profanity. Compared to those scumbags, those kids were angels. There was no rape joke by any of the kids. One of them (not sure he was with those kids) I thought the kids handled themselves well considering the confrontation they were subjected to.
  4. We have federal workers not getting paid and nasty Pelosi was taking her entire family on a vacation using tax payers money? She calls a wall immoral????? She needs to go. Send her and chucky boy back to whatever hole they clinbed out of!
  5. Why do you think Mexico would/should pay for Pelosi's vacation, I mean world tour?
  6. All on the tax payers dime??? These politicians live like royalty. So disgusting!!!
  7. Hey Hey Ho Ho Donald Trump has got to go! NO TRUMP!!!! NO KKK!!!!! NO FASCIST USA!!!!!!! Say it loud!!!! Say it clear!!!!! Refugees are welcome here!!!! ?
  8. He's playing another 3 years win or lose.
  9. Oh burnnnnnn!!!!! Lol, this could be the next big one, until the next big one comes along. You went full tibtard, never go full tibtard.
  10. Do you smell that? Yep, it's desperation. ????? Is this the bombshell that will impeach the president? ????
  11. I thought Obama made everything?
  12. Are you sure it wasn't a suicide attempt?
  13. Why are you so against it? Where you against it last year when the dems were for it?
  14. That's the most honest thing you've said in weeks! Keep up the good work!
  15. I already agreed with that. But not everyone coming in has the best intentions.
  16. Jobs???? Lol, that's the last thing you lefties want. You want to be spoon fed.
  17. I have zero problem with people coming to this country, legally. Most of them are hard working people looking for a better life. Unlike the left wingnuts who want everything given to them.
  18. How can you collect data on drugs being smuggled across the border not going through the checkpoint? If you can't realistically collect data, does it mean it's not happening?
  19. You're the one who asked others to do your work. I think I would rather have the illegal immigrants in the country then you lazy ass lefties. At least they're willing to work.
  20. Only if we can deport you and your communist cronies. Not having a wall definitely won't stop them. But you knew that already.
  21. Absolutely! Letting In thousands of undocumented immigrants is a much better plan. Why do you hate America so much?
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