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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. I believe Gondor shares a border with them.
  2. Thanks Taro T. Is their a investigation looking into Clinton's e-mail? I really hope they are. I just find it hard to believe that Comey and other top Fbi agents decided to try to rig the election and impeach the President on their own. Why would they do it on their own? Just doesnt make sense to me.
  3. I may be wrong, I probably an. But I thought the second part of the report yet to come out is ib regards to Clinton's e-mails?
  4. Why does it still feel Horowitz is still protecting Obama and Hillary? I have a feeling they are going to fire strzok and call the investigation over. Maybe comey might do a little time and Hillary might get a light slap on the wrist. I hope I'm wrong. It would be a travesty of justice if the key playersin this coup go unpunished.
  5. Do you think he's (Trump) going to gas those poor innocent mexicans?
  6. I'm going with manbearpig. Has to be it!
  7. Let's just let everyone in. Just walk right through the border. What the hell right? Think of all the new voters and the possibilities!?
  8. That's probably better than where they came from
  9. The haters sound like a mexican version of Archie Bunker. Except he was funnier.
  10. Buftex laughing at this and he had the nerve to call people garbage. Would it be less funny if Mary Catherine was mexican? Finding this funny is truly disgusting!
  11. If you're so concerned, why don't you do something for the thousands of homeless American children in this country? Oh that's right, you can't use them as a political ploy. You're right, a piece of human garbage you are.
  12. Kill all the crackers!!!! Damn white devils need to die!!!
  13. Who is his backup in New England? Was it Hoyer last year?
  14. Only if they crossed the border illegally, if they get caught, they can just whip out the old white privilege card.
  15. Not everyone can be a smooth talker like barry.
  16. My grandfather along with three of his fellow soldiers were killed while riding in a jeep just a few days before WW2 ended. He left a wife and four young children behind. I don't have any animosity towards Germany, Italy or Japan. Nor should I. War is hell and people die. You try to come across as level headed and willing to try to see both sides. But you really don't. You're very disingenuous. No matter what facts are presented to you, you continue to stick your fingers in your ears and not listen to the facts. At least gator and Gary are upfront with their extreme partisanship. You are not so honest when it comes to discussing the President.
  17. Wow, I'm surprised you didn't go straight to Hitler! Is that what you call people who disagree with you? You're better than that TYTT!
  18. That wouldn't surprise me!? What are your opinions of Vietnam, Germany, Italy and Japan? Arw you ss offended by out countrys relationship with them as well? Just curious.....
  19. So the rumours about Obama are true?
  20. I agree Doc. Both sides do it. I just think it's pretty silly.
  21. Does that include bowing as well?
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