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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. Get some help, TDS is bad in you. Does the laundromat have psychological treatments under its healthcare plan? It does have healthcare right?
  2. You found out you're really a Canadian?
  3. I would never do that!!!? I enjoy trash talking with you. Lol ?
  4. What if I identify myself as a descendant of a slave? Does that count? To be serious though, it will never happen. I could only imagine the blowback if they did it.
  5. And speaking of getting slapped around. Here comes tibtard, the walking talking hypocrite.
  6. You could always get a job with the DNC, they need more white priviledge men to smack around. Hey, you might end up liking it.
  7. Have an ounce of class??? Coming from you?? That's the funniest shitt I heard all day!!!! ??????
  8. All the bull ***** and lies they've thrown at the president, they have the audacity to accuse him of trash talking!?! Fuking hypocrites!!!
  9. Says the guy who claims to be independent. How's that Russian collusion going?
  10. Because he's told what to say. He's a sock monkey. Nothing more.
  11. Ray Nitzski? He may be a little old but what the hell. Welcome aboard Ray!!
  12. And Obama married a transvestite
  13. Who is the child molester? That's a pretty serious accusation to make.
  14. Tibtard is PPP's version of Baghdad Bob. How can one person or bot be so wrong so often?
  15. He was never the same when he left the little house on the prairie.
  16. Stick to washing underwear.
  17. Shouldn't she share that with her constituents?
  18. Took the sails right out of the wind.
  19. You're more of a conman then he is.
  20. Before electricity? That's a yes for being a loser at life then?
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