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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. I'm loving every minute of the snowflake progressives melt down. Thanks President Trump!!?
  2. Fixed it for you dumbass! You're welcome ?
  3. How many years have we been practicing unfair trade agreements with these piss ant countries!! Go tell them to go pound sand and protect themselves instead of leaning on the US. Ungrateful little bitches they are!!
  4. Ok, then I take it back
  5. They seem more like fascists than antifascists to me.
  6. Welcome back my friend!!!??? It's 96 at my house?
  7. Hey, as long as those Soros checks keep coming F America!!!
  8. next thing you know, he'll be showing them the secret handshake! Oye Vey!!!!?
  9. WTF does this nonsense you just spewed out even mean? Is english your second language? That might explain it.
  10. He should nominate Hillary. Wait, wasn't she disbarred or something?
  11. Republicans have called for the elimination of their enimies. Don't believe me? Prove they didn't say it!
  12. Was this before or adter the meeting with Trump and what should we do about it?
  13. I say get rid of state and federal prisons and jails. That's alot of babies being ripped out of parents hands!
  14. So your saying photos can't be faked? So much fake crap going on nowadays, I don't believe anything. I haven't partook in smoking sine J's since my college days a long time ago. ?
  15. Fake news. Keep grasping for straws lefties
  16. Don't you remember? We shared a flat back in 74'. Well we did drink alot back then!
  17. Pffffff......yeah right, why start now.....
  18. Would you tear big babies away from the loving arms of their mother (or traffickers) the same as a little baby? With machetes, chainsaws, etc?
  19. What are they using to tear away those little hispanic babies? Crowbar, machete, chainsaw?
  20. Yeah bit Ginsburg doesn't have the rich background growing up Latino that gives only Sotomayer the ability to judge fairly.
  21. That's why I support DC Tom and Ladexter. True love is so hard to find!?
  22. If you're endorsing him, he definitely is a RINO.
  23. Looks like the love birds are at it again. Get a room you guys.?
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