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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. Yeah, good luck with that!! Don't you know? Minorities can't be racist. They didn't land on Plymouth rock, Plymouth rock landed on them!!
  2. She's entitled to her own opinion. Unlikethe simps on left.
  3. You're full of **** and you know it. This is the only way we should be dealing with you and the rest of the lieing simps on the left.
  4. Everything you wrote is a lie you f'n simp. You have no morals, lieing means nothing to you. You !@#$in snowflakes need to go!
  5. You are so full of ****!!! When Obama does it, it's all good. When Trump does it, it's bad. GTFOH with your bull ****!
  6. Everyone on the left have been ignoring subpoenas. It's only bad when the other side does it.
  7. Are you off your meds again Tibs? There is no evidence of collusion. None, zero, zilch. Even Obama said the possibility of tampering with the election is nonsense. Keep those checks coming and F America!
  8. So you're saying it's ok to lie as long as it's a Democrat? Watching barry and hillary being hauled off in cuffs will be fun to watch. They have so much evidence against them to keep them locked up for a very long time. Hey, they can become your penpals when they're in prison?
  9. Why won't you answer my question? Is Obama a liar? With all the evidence we know have, did he think HC had the presidency wrapped up? Is that why he was so smug and arrogant? Don't you have the guts to answer?
  10. He doesn't care about those kids. They use those kids as a weapon. Not a peep from these fools when 44 had them locked up in cages. It's a heartless and disgusting tatic the left uses. Tells you what kind of people they are.
  11. Are you saying Obama lied? He even said the probability of an election being rigged, by anyone is impossible. Is Obama a liar? If he lied about that, what else has he lied about? Your collusion delusion argumentis a house of straws. But keep collecting those checks and F America, right tibs?
  12. Have they checked Hillary's basement for those missing kids?
  13. Politics aside, I'm really sorry to hear that about your mom.
  14. Scared of that!!!!?
  15. Some people just want the world to burn.
  16. I agree 100% You said it much more eloquently than I ever could. ? Happy 4th my friend?
  17. Left, right or middle, have a safe and enjoyable 4th!! Happy Birthday to the greatest country in the world!!!!!
  18. Gugny, I know you're one of the good guys in this world. I would be proud to standby your side to fight against white supremacy. It's disgusting you and your family have to experience that disgusting behavior. I agree with you. There is no place in our society for that type of behavior. Especially from people in power. Keep up the good fight. You're not alone.
  19. Anyone know what the actual percentage of white supremacist in our country? I'm white, I've never met a white supremacist, nor do I want too. Their is no place for racism, no matter what color that person is. I think the word racist is thrown around too easily these days. You better be damn sure that if you're going to call someone a racist, you better have facts to back that up!
  20. I'm so sorry 3rd.......????
  21. Worst president ever! #fact
  22. Too bad you weren't aborted
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