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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. I think Ladexter might be winning the arguement against DCTom. We might be watching a yuge upset!!! ?
  2. Stick to the sheep. Even the dead don't want your 2" dick.
  3. My mom's dead. You have a thing for dead women? I bet you never even served in the military. If you did, you probably was a cook or shithouse cleaner. You're more if a dud than a dude. Fake ass pissant.
  4. How can you lie so easily? Do you regularly lie in your day to day life? Do you have or raised with any kind of morals? Do you have a soul? I don't get it. You tell the same lies over and over. Is it worth losing your soul for? I think you're better than this. For some crazy reason, I wish you would be honest.
  5. Maybe not, but the nut doesn't fall to far from you're antifa tree.
  6. What makes you such a real American? Who the hell are you too judge anyone? You call Trump supporters trash. You're the one who sounds like trailer park trash to me. You call yourself a conservative? Give me a break. I'd be willing to bet you're actually tibs or Gary or bob using a fake southern accent. Thinking you're fooling everyone. Go back to whatever hole y'all cameout of.
  7. I'm not saying he's Tom Brady. He is a guy who has skill. Why was Stevie Johnson a 7th round pick? I'm not saying he should be our franchise Qb, I'm just saying he's not as bad as people are saying.
  8. What good is being able to throw a ball 60 yards if it's not accurate. NP arm is plenty strong enough. For some unknown reason, people can't seem to forgive himfor the one bad game.
  9. I'm in the wrong state and job!
  10. 34 is definitely a sack sucker.
  11. All he got was probation????
  12. They're like the antifa if PPP. They have to hide behind different aliases because they are to chickenshite to defend the ludicrous crap they post.
  13. She would make a great politician, she has the ability to both speak and say nothing at the same time. Plus, you get some crazy eyes thrown in as well.
  14. Not sure if I have 17 years left.
  15. Yep They're the good guys
  16. And miss all the fun? Lol
  17. Then why are you here? Seriously?
  18. I respectfully disagree. All he had to say, we spoke about it, it's behind us, etc, etc... I like McDermott, I just think he could have handled it better. Just my opinion.
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