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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. I disagree whole heartedly, I think this just shows how crooked the msm is. He knows no matter what he says it's going to get twisted around to Trump bad! He trolls the hell out of them. He's actually doing them a favor. Either report the truth, or you're not included. He's a genious!! Playing hardball works for him. They know he means what he says and isn't going to back down from thugs and liars.
  2. I don't believe I said I want to give him a blow job. I was a democrat, until it was hijacked by thugs who cover there faces with bandanas. If you wanted some information about the video you posted, why didn't you say so?
  3. What's the point your trying to make posting this video?
  4. So, you have a new girlfriend? Good for you!?
  5. Well that settles it!!!!! It's almost like it's from Saul Alinsky himself!??????????????
  6. I was engineered in a lab. My fathers a computer and my mother an encyclopedia.
  7. Another quality post from a antifa representative! Keep up the good work!????????
  8. Oh no!!! Now it's the Turkey's!!! Maybe THIS will finally take him down!! I could only hope!! ????????????????
  9. Would I what?
  10. I imagine they would have too. I can't see them not signing some kind of agreement.
  11. This President will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents of all time.
  12. Anticipation, making tibs wait Anticipation, his accusations are not so great..... Keep it up, everytime you lie, a democrat walks away. ??????????
  13. Smell the desperation in the air..... ????????????????
  14. Smells like........desperation ????????????????
  15. Yeah, that's probably it! Bwahahaha..... I love it! Now you're pulling **** out of your ass! What's next? Aliens?????
  16. That's bigger than a sliver......
  17. Wouldn't you say the silence from the DNC leaders speaks volumes? Hasn't the president been called a nazi for supposedly not calling out the white supremacist? Why aren't you and every other decent democratic shouting from the rooftops, just so everyone knows you don't condon their behavior? I think they are bigger than a sliver. Don't make the mistake of underestimating them.
  18. Keep throwing shite at the wall. I'm sure something will stick. Maybe even this!!
  19. You're so desperate!!! You and your antifa buddies are the Wiley Coyote to President Trumps Road runner. Lol Beep Beep......
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