I can't wait to see some of your material on the Trump Russian collusion. I'm guessing you're still working on it. Can't wait until it comes out!! Tee Hee......
Have you always been such a drama queen?
You don't care if he has clearance or not, it's the way it was removed??
Awwwww......poor baby! Was daddy Trump mean to brennan? His feelings were hurt. Such a big meanie!?????
Nice try! You're girl lost you can't handle it. You're another leftist claiming to be a independent.
President Trump has more balls and brains then barry and slick willie combined.
Elections have consequences
You lost, get over it.
Is this an op-ed piece? Sounds like a bunch of partisan opinions. Try harder next time.
Lol, the pot calling the kettle black. Keep melting snowflake.
He's only concerned about saving his ass. You're hatred of President Trump is blinding you from seeing what is actually happening. I call it wilful ignorance. You refuse to see what everyone else can see.
He's only concerned about saving his ass. You're hatred of President Trump is blinding you from seeing what is actually happening. I call it wilful ignorance. You refuse to see what everyone else can see.