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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. She'll stop caring the "mama's and babies" after the November election is over.
  2. I need more proof than you saying so. It's all speculation. I don't like people who claim to be a certain party but continuously bash it. This is just a stupid message board. Why can't people be who they are? Why pretend? Who really cares in the end?
  3. He has a hard time picking up jokes, women, a job...... The list goes on and on......
  4. No, for being a liar. I detest liars.
  5. You most definitely do not encompass anything great. In fact I would say you are what's wrong with this country. You're a big fake and so dishonest. You're a wart on the ass of society.
  6. All you do is lie, lie and lie. What's so intelligent about that? You're a poster boy for the mentally inept! You lie so much, you don't even realise that you're lieing. I have very little patience for such dishonest people like you. I don't what you think, how you "feel". The greatest contribution you can make to PPP is to leave and never come back.
  7. You're so full of shite!! I would believe you're a janitor in a hospital than a Dr. You're way too ignorant and mentally limited to do anything more than clean toilets.
  8. Brennan - fired Clapper - fired Comey - fired Strozsk - fired Page - fired
  9. Aren't you missing the part that after two years of investigations into "russian collusion ", not one piece of evidence has been found? You can't say that about hillary though.... Lol, ok. Next up to try to take Trump down! This is laughable....
  10. Lol, yeah that's it. Keep drinking that vodka comrade.
  11. I thought Iran was our friend? Barry said he was!
  12. I think you seem to have a problem translating the english language to russian. Keep digging comrade.
  13. What does you our are really melting down mean? Your russian is coming through more and more in your posts.
  14. As soon as I realized who the candidates for the Democratic party were, yes I walked away. As far as being the original? My mama always said I was one of a kind?
  15. How do you know so much about Putin? Imagine that, tibs is really a russian bot! That actually makes sense!
  16. A lot of these so called lefties have more than one user name. Tibs for example is paid to spread his hate filled posts against Trump. A few others I suspect too. Then you have the "independents" who are really radical leftists. All you have to do is read their posts. They all get there message from MSM, then turn around and attack DR, who does his own homework and then some. Being a democrat who walked away from the party 2 years ago. I despise these so called democrats we have now. They are as dirty and deceitful as they come.
  17. Wow, you're so clever! The end justifies the means for the facist left.
  18. Name a politician who hasn't lied? Even if he did use campaign money to pay her off, it's only a fine. No felonie, no jail time. Even Obama did it in 2008. I'm not condoning it, I'm just pointing out this isn t the smoking gun the left has been waiting for.
  19. Let the process work itself out before jumping to conclusions. Cohen might be trying to save his ass. Don't you think that could be a possibility? But but but........Trump!!!
  20. You know what's crazy? The "nazis" aren't the ones with a hood on covering their face. The "good" guys are!!! That's so crazy, right?
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