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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. Can you give me the winning powerball numbers as well.
  2. Win at any cost. That's the lefts new slogan. Pretty disgusting and treasonous.
  3. How many are because of collusion? Or have anything to do with President Trump? I'm still waiting on these new charges. Your TDS is out of control. Seek professional help soon.
  4. He's had so many name changes. Who knows who or what he really is.
  5. This does not bode well for Obama! I wonder if he knew, or partook in sexually assaulting people. With his sexuality in question, I wonder how many men out there who are to afraid to come forward against obama?
  6. I think his sugar mama losing really broke something inside of him. He just hasn't been the same!
  7. This snowflake is having a major meltdown! Get some help Gary!
  8. I'm still waiting for one real solid piece of evidence of russian collusion. I've seen plenty in regards to the clintonista's. Yeyt to see anything associated with Trump. Keep trying though.
  9. Why isn't it true? They look exactly like there father's bill and barry. Especially Barry's son. Spitting image.
  10. Just when I thought you couldn't say anything dumber, you totally redeem yourself!!!
  11. But he's a two time probowler!!!
  12. Never seen so much love for TT.
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