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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. That must make you the Josh Allen of TBD. You're worse than bad at trolling.
  2. I predict gloom, despair and agony on me.
  3. Just give it up!! Accept the loss and move on to your next false accusation.
  4. You're obsessed with him. It's really silly, it doesn't matter who the president is, it really doesn't effect us in our day to day life. To get so worked up over it is silly. ..
  5. It's always Trump Trump Trump with you! TDS much?
  6. Of course you do snowflake They would have just make up sonething else. Remember the dems motto, the end justifies the means.
  7. I remember getting upset at the guy in front of me in a Dunkin Donuts drive thru. I found out he paid for my coffee. That's what took so long. I have so much shame?
  8. Can he develop the OLine?
  9. We're looking like the Bills of the first 2 games.
  10. Thank you!!! I needed another Nate Peterman thread!!!
  11. He looked like a giant puss. What a weak man.
  12. That picture of her face must be photo shopped. Is she really that hideous looking? Ughhhhhh
  13. What country were you born in? Don't tell me you're from the coal mines of west Virginia. You have a russian quality to your writing. No one here uses your wording.
  14. You're here because the checks keep clearing. When they dry up, so will the likes of you, tibs, gary and the rest of your kind.
  15. I agree!!! While they are at it(the fbi) they should reinvestigate that pizza place for child porn. Because everyone knows Democrates are baby rapers.
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