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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. Rosen has not looked fantastic. He looks like a rookie, just like Allen. Hate Allen all you want, but don't make shite up to prove a point. You're an idiot
  2. Mahome looks terrible. I wonder if they will draft another qb next draft?
  3. They need to get him NFL caliber wide receivers. These guys belong in the cfl.
  4. This team has more heart than some of their fans.
  5. Stop crusading. We get it, you hate Allen.
  6. I believe he did that last week to win the game?
  7. Proof they're mostly black? Or are you pulling it out your ass as usual?
  8. I want the truth. Not some bot getting paid to deny, deflect and lie. Why are you still here if you're not getting paid? Why put up with all the abuse if you didn't have an agenda?
  9. I'm curious, how did you find this job of posting for money? I'm really curious how this works.
  10. He gets paid to post this sh ite. He doesn't believe the crap he posts. He's Soros bot. No free will of his own. He has to be told what to say.
  11. Did you copy that out of your antifa hand book? Mueller is just as dirty as the rest of the slime balls on the left.
  12. I shouldn't laugh at that.......but I couldn't help it!
  13. It's absolutely a hit job by Obama and the Clintons and you damn well know it is. Stop the lieing. How do you live with yourself?
  14. What's fair is fair. You liberals wrote the book on dirty politics.
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