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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. Well dummycrats do support antifa. They are the party of projecting.
  2. Hey look, another racist post by a POS!
  3. I made my money the old fashioned way, off the backs of peasents. #makewhitepriviledgegreatagain
  4. I have steelers, 49'ers, packers. It gets a little hairy sometimes when they start betting. But most of my family are Bills fans.
  5. So, what does this new order by the judge actually mean? Will they have to let everyone in now?
  6. Is your ass still burning from President Trump's trouncing of criminal Hillary? You need to accept the things you cannot change, like the BS russian collusion investigation. The courage to change the things you can, like, maybe the corrupt left wing party. And the wisdom to know the difference. Here is where you might struggle. Sniffing bleach all those years at the laundromat has seriously damaged your ability to think on your own. Get some religion, straighten up your life, move out of your mom's basement and for God sakes, stop sniffing the bleach!!
  7. You're a moron. Just what I thought. Must really suck to suffer from white guilt. You're a white version of a uncle Tom. Congrats snowflake.
  8. She does have Michael Strahan's teeth. That might help.
  9. Nope, I don't play kids games. Please explain to me how a white guy hates other white guys for being white? Are you some kind of moron?
  10. Now I got all these feelings! Not sure what I should do!! I'm not used to all this emotion. ?
  11. Thanks DR, I always forget how enlightened snowflakes are. What was I thinking?
  12. I can't get past your racism to comment
  13. Why do you hate white men?
  14. Who cares what he says. It's the coaches team, he makes the rules. The way Oliver reacted I can't condon that behavior in any way. He should be suspended.
  15. No way!!! Why would you want every low life in the world coming into the US looking to steal everything you worked hard for?
  16. As long as they come in legally, welcome to America!
  17. If they increase wealth in a country, why don't they just stay in their own country and produce wealth there? I think you're using the pre 2016 liberal handbook.
  18. The Dems will be on to something else when they no longer need them for their leftist agenda. Sad but true.
  19. Not like this. How many threads have been started about him? You seem like the type who is a complete failure living in mom's basement. Would explain your anger issues.
  20. I still don't understand the reason to act like that. It's just a game. It really opened my eyes. Some of the posters I had respect for. Not so sure anymore.
  21. One thing Peterman did, he brought out the ****heads in TBD. I never understood the hatred against him. It's just a game. There are a few posters I would never want to meet, just because of the vile hatred they displayed against someone they don't even know!
  22. So you're saying we still have a chance?
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