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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. Lol, you and the rest of your hypocrites aught to take your own advice. You have no problem calling collusion without any evidence.
  2. You are so blind to the truth. So dishonest, how do you expect anything you say to be believed by anyone other than your leftwing nutjobs? Stop the damn lieing! For God's sake you're an adult!!! Act like one for a change!!!!
  3. Did Soros give you those "facts"? Or did you just pull it out of your ass as usual?
  4. Of course he didn't. He says what his puppet masters tell him to say. He's nothing more than a brain less puppet, just like the rest of the leftwing nutbags.
  5. Nice try shitstain. Keep denying the truth until they haul those dirty scumbags to prison.
  6. Next, shutdown the illegal clinton foundation!
  7. Accuse and deny. The 2019 soros handbook must have come out.
  8. Why be such a dick? Just disagree and move on. Nobody really cares what you think. The new talking point of the leftwing nut bags is to accuse Trump of anything and everything, then deny the crimes the left has committed on 44's watch. You nut jobs are so predictable. I believe DR over anything you spew out.
  9. Maybe we should start indicting people based on feelings. That's all you have are emotions. You have absolutely no evidence to back up your argument. Orange man bad!!!
  10. When did you turn into such an ass? I've always enjoyed reading your posts until now. There are ways of getting your point across without being such a arrogant bore. I never expected this type of behavior from you. Seriously disappointed.
  11. Might need to draft Greedy in the first.
  12. You think they are doing fine? Let's revisit that comment when the the Clinton foundation investigation is over. You lost, get over it. Throwing temper tantrums is very unbecoming.
  13. You're trying to do a behind the scenes coup. Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean he shouldn't be president. He was duly elected by the people of the United States. Let's just keep ratcheting up the rhetoric, I feel sorry for the next Democratic president. He/she will get dragged through the mud like they are doing to Trump. It will keep escalating more and more until this great nation is torn apart.
  14. The reason I walked away from the Democratic party is because it has been taken over by people with serious TDS. All you see is Trump bad. Do anything to get him out of office, doesn't matter if it tears the country apart. It's country before politics. Being on the same page as gary, tibs and the rest of the nutballs is not anything to be proud of.
  15. Then go after Dawkins. Not a guy half your size! I just reread my post. I hope you don't think I was yelling at you. Kind of looks like I was. Sorry about that.
  16. They didn't just get beat, they got beat down by them
  17. Let's just lose out. Get something out of this shittie year.
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