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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. She's a liar. A joke of a candidate. Thankfully the demtards don't have anyone better. Six more years!! Easily!!! Is it a stereotype if it's true?
  2. Stick to cleaning peoples dirty underwear. That's what you're good at.
  3. Lol, I hope you do laundry better than you do trolling, because that was some weak *****.
  4. If he was killed you'd be laughing your ass off. I wonder if shillary sent him to dig up dirt on her opponents for the demo primary. She has a close relationship with putin. All the money he gave her, they are pretty tight.
  5. He has a much chance as your girl fauxhontas. Which is no chance.
  6. That's fake. Just like your identity on this sight.
  7. Ain't no asians in west Virginia. Prostitutes don't count as girlfriends.
  8. Lie lie lie.......that's all you do. You care about them until the "crisis" comes along, then you drop them as soon as they've outlived their usefulness. You're a scumbag of the lowest order. Stick to the coal mines. That's all you're good for.
  9. You don't care about it either. Lol, you're such a scumbag.
  10. I don't think they teach that in the laundromats of west Virginia.
  11. Lol, that's pretty weak, even for you tibs.
  12. Yep, she should be in prison now because of her emails. Which is the least of the crimes she has committed. She should be hung for treason.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama did. He is the most dishonest president in my lifetime. Can't wait until he and his partner in crime Hillary are locked up in Guantanamo bay.
  14. Lol, why would think Putin wanted Trump to win? Was this before or after Putin paid the Clinton Foundation for uranium? How about Bill Clinton's $500,000 speach he gave in Russia?
  15. Come on liberals, here's your chance to put all Trumps misdeeds on the table. I hear crickets........
  16. Compared to the rest of the O-line, he is a stud. Lol
  17. Great post, I think Poyer took a step back this year. He's had a few rough games. He was definitely more consistently solid last year. I would put Allen in as a stud. He is our offense. What is your opinion on Lawson? I think he had a pretty good year.
  18. They are super tough at home. Almost unbeatable. But this years team, especially the defensive side of the ball are not as good as previous Patriots teams of the past decade.
  19. I agree with you about NO. They are the favorites in my opinion as well. I'm really hoping to see KC vs NO in the superbowl. That would be a fun high scoring game.
  20. If NE* has to come to KC, I can see KC winning at home. I'm not sold on NE"s defense and KC can score.
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