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Everything posted by outsidethebox

  1. I don't think that question is in his Soros playbook, so don't expect an answer.
  2. Like anyone here gives twoschits about your opinion! ?
  3. Wait until mom finds out and takes his computer away!
  4. Let liberals run the country, They've done such a great job in the major cities.
  5. unlike you faker, I have a job. I'm free after 5 though.
  6. anytime you want big boy. But I know you won't do it. You're a fake ass white boy.
  7. Show me yours and I'll show you mine.
  8. I bet you're actually a mentally disturbed white guy living in his moms basement.
  9. I was suspended yesterday.I guess I better not disagree with the BLM again.
  10. How has this not been suspended?
  11. I think I heard this before............Hmmmm.............Something about Trump losing in a landslide.........it slips my mind at the moment
  12. Amen to that!! At least we agree on something.
  13. I know everything. I'm with antifa.
  14. Only in your dreams.
  15. Did I say bow to me? No, I was just curious if all libs agree with the bowing and asking for forgiveness.
  16. So you're against all the bowing and asking for forgiveness?
  17. Does it really matter?
  18. Have you gotten on your knees and ask for forgiveness yet? If no, why not?
  19. Fromm is definitely a better Qb than Peterman was or will ever be. I'm a huge Bulldogs fan and I've always liked Fromm. He lost a ton of talent to the draft last year but still did a solid job. He will make an excellent back up for Josh. Love the pick!
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