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    Rochester, NY

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  1. Hey, 


    If you ever want to take a stab at hanging out with a bunch of caring and compassionate people who have all been through a lot, my brother is super active in AA and it probably saved his life. Set aside getting sober or straight, he benefitted a lot from just helping other people in trouble. 


    Set this aside for now or ignore it, but if you ever want to find someone who really has some compassion, I'll give you his number. He is the best listener and can put you in touch with others who will not only help, but will benefit from you and your story. Believe it or not, other people need your help too.


    Plus he's a Bills fan too so he knows depression.



    1. BeginnersMind


      Oh, and I suck balls at noticing these messages so if you write, it might take me a day or two to respond. NEVER for one second think I've ignored you. I will respond within minutes of seeing you wrote. 

    2. outsidethebox


      Thanks Steve, I willseriously consider your offer. Thank you.

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