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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Then what system would you rather have?
  2. I kind of like the idea that my children get to go to school and be educated so they can succeed in life. I also like clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. If you want to move the economy forward without getting rid of the EPA lets start to move to green energy.
  3. Were we not just comparing it to the US system? As in, you would rather have our system in Canada? And I posted a vid that explained why our system sucks. Are you able to carry coherent thoughts from one minute to the next? I guess not.
  4. First off, Dave misunderstood the context of the statement. Second, yes firing people is a great way to help the economy. Third, class warfare is a load of ****.
  5. Your pocket is getting raped? Do you have any idea how incredibly stupid that just sounded?
  6. So yeah, you did miss the point where she was testifying before congress. I would at least watch the vid before making a statement about it. However speaking before even knowing what the hell you're talking about seems to be a staple of the right on this board.
  7. You must have missed the part where she was testifying before congress that she denied healthcare to patients knowing that it would end their lives. If people want to also get themselves private insurance as well that's fine. The idea is to make sure that everyone has access to basic care.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwGLdYBm1bY This would barely touch the problem of getting heath care to those who need it. I think we all agree that people see doctors as a walking lawsuit. B So what about the people who do make good choices but still end up in a shithole?
  9. Government waivers may be due to the fact that they already have insurance through their employer. Regardless of the fact that the labor force has shrunk or whatever, the economy added 200,000 jobs. I see nothing bad about that. Hopefully it's something we can build off of. That's the gist of it.
  10. The best part of this site was this: http://screen.yahoo.com/obama-s-sexy-rebuttal-27797145.html#crsl=%252Fobama-s-sexy-rebuttal-27797145.html
  11. Why don't you go on and tell him the whole story about how you pulled yourself up by your boot straps. It bought a tear to my eye and changed my life!
  12. I think your tampon's full. You might need to change it.
  13. If you're looking for an argument on gun control you won't get it from me. People with think twice about breaking into someone's house if they know they're gonna get their head blown off. If she hadn't had a gun she'd most likely have been raped or killed. More power to her. Mark the calender. We agree on something. I wish I could have seen the look on that guys face when he came though the door and realized he was staring down the barrel of a gun.
  14. To say this is to say that if you have insurance you somehow lessen your chance of getting sick. When you pay your premium the money is pooled and payed out to the people who are filing claims. (that is, after they take their cut)
  15. This should make some people thing twice. http://gma.yahoo.com/video/news-26797925/oklahoma-mother-18-kills-intruder-breaking-into-her-home-while-on-phone-with-911-27777235.html
  16. If you have health insurance you are paying for other people's health care.
  17. Not so fast there sparky. Is the whole base fundamentalist Christians. Of course not. But you have to admit they are a key part of the base. If enough don't show up at the polls especially in states like Florida and Ohio the GOP could have a problem.
  18. This thread isn't as hot as hot as the title would have you believe...
  19. The problem with the GOP right now is they're not able to put forth an electable candidate. Romney would be but for the fact that he is JCLS. I think a lot of the GOP base of fundamentalist Christians would rather just not go to the polls than hold their nose and vote for him. Oh come on man, that was a joke!
  20. Have you ever googled his name? You'll feel like your innocence was taken away. I guess you have.
  21. That depends on the type of crude burned. Different crudes have different carbon outputs. http://numero57.net/2008/03/20/carbon-dioxide-emissions-per-barrel-of-crude/
  22. That's because we don't measure the carbon load a ton of crude has on the atmosphere. We measure the carbon load a ton of carbon has on the atmosphere.
  23. At this point in time the extension of unemployment isn't a bad thing. Get rid of it if you really want to see the economy take a nose dive. I don't argue that people who work hard succeed and there are some who really don't care and are happy to take a check from the government. What I'm getting at with my argument is that no matter how hard I worked for my tuition for the school I still didn't get the # I wanted. Yeah, that's a stupid resentment now but it was important to me at the time. Such is the attitude from those in OWS. There are some in the middle class and lower middle class who are saying "I worked my ass off, where's my piece of the pie?" You can only take my word for it. When I say successful I mean happy with where I am in life. Not rich but not poor. Happy to be working at a time when many are not. What are you talking about? You really believe this?
  24. That doesn't mean the taught us any gooder.
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